6 months

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Kayleigh Posey's P

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Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V
I wore one of Cody's jumpers and leggings. I can't believe I'm pregnant again. Babe I shout to Cody. Yeah he said. I'm going to my house in a few minutes to tell everyone about my pregnancy are you coming. Yeah right let me get my shoes on he shouted from upstairs. A few minutes later I found myself with a key in the hole. I opened my door and took a deep breath. Guys I need to tell you all something hopefully you guys will support me. They all said what. I'm pregnant again I say. Your so lucky Alison said to me. Thanks I laugh. C'mon babe you ready for the ultrasound he said. Yeah c'mon I say. We exited my door and walked to my car. When we drove there I walked to the reception. Go fill this out the nurse said. I walked to the seat that Cody was sitting at. What's that he said. Some form I have to fill out.
Name: Kayleigh Leanne Gemma Posey
Age: 18
Children: 2
Gender's: Girl and Boy (Twins)
Names of children: Ruby-Jai Posey and Dylan-Cody Posey.
Number: 0852795669
Father: Cody Saintgnue
Mother: Kayleigh Posey


Cody Saintgnue's P.O.V
I loved Kayleigh so much. I think if we last in 2 years time I'm going to take her to a restaurant and ask her to marry me and then I'll take her to the park or something like that. I looked at Kayleigh and smiled. She brought the note up to the reception. She walked back and cuddled her head on my shoulder. So how is Violet? I ask. I don't know like I'll ask her to be godmother or something. I hope she stays in Rosewood Kayleigh said. Yeah me too I'd like to finally meet the famous Violet from Ireland. I love you I said. I love you too she said. Kayleigh Posey the nurse said. Let's go I said as I took Kayleigh's hand. Okay lie down on this bed please the nurse said. I'm Nurse Jensen and I'll help you through this pregnancy if you have any questions at the end I'll talk to you about pregnancy Nurse Jensen said. Just watch this might be really cold she said as she squirted in on Kayleigh's stomach and I seen her flinch so it must be freezing.

Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V
It was so cold I started to flinch. Cody took my hand and the nurse said everything was fine. Come back in about 2 months and I'll give you the pictures at reception how many would you like she asked? Eh 4 please I said. 1 for me 1 for Cody 1 Spencer and 1 for Violet. The nurse cleaned the gel off my stomach and I was aloud put the hoodie back on my stomach. Here let's go to the shopping centre so I can get you a key I said. Yeah sure c'mon he smiled. I was driving to the shopping centre. When we got there I decided to tell my mam,dad and Jasmine about my pregnancy. Phone call between mam and Kayleigh

M: Hey Kayleigh how are you
K: Fine I just want to tell you all something
M: What is it?
K: Are they they beside ya
M: Yeah are you okay
K: Yeah I'm fine
M: What do you have to tell us
K: I'm pregnant again
M: I still have to see Ruby and Dylan
K: Yeah ino I'll get on a plane some time and go over to Ireland and I'll take them with me.
M: I can't wait to see my grandchildren
K: Right I have to go.
M: Bye hunny
End of call

So I told my mam,dad and Jasmine about my pregnancy I smiled. We walked to a key cut shop. Hello how can I help you he said. Can I have this another key like this. Yeah sure that'll be €5:00. Thank you I said as I handed him €5.00. Bye he said. We walked away to the food shop. Wanna have a movie night babe I said. Yeah sure will we watch The Fault In Our Stars Cody said. We got Pringles,coke,mints,pop tarts and lots more things. When we got hope we sat on the sofa and start cuddling. When we got to the part where Hazel had the fake funeral for Gus we start sobbing. I love you so much my babies he said. Love ya too babe I say. I fell asleep on the sofa so Cody lifted me up and brought me to bed. The next morning I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I was over the toilet puking my guts out while I was sobbing. Kayleigh babe it's alright he said as he hugged me.

Cody Christian's P.O.V
I would switch with Kayleigh in a heart beat. She start sobbing on my shoulder. When she stopped crying she got dressed. Cody I'm meeting Violet for lunch she said. Yeah ok I said.

Kayleigh Posey's P.O.V
I got dressed

When I was dressed I got my blue car

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When I was dressed I got my blue car

I was driving to the brew when I seen my ex Jackson

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I was driving to the brew when I seen my ex Jackson. I just kept on driving till I got to the brew. Emily was working there today. Hey Em can I get a caramel frappé extra caramel and cream with a little bit of coffee please. Yeah I'll make it now. How much is it? I ask. Nah it's on the house she said. If you insist but take this I gave her a €50 note and keep it. No take it she said handing it to me. Keep it I said as I sat down on a small table with 2 seats. A few minutes later Violet walked in and got the same thing. So how are you I asked. I'm staying in Rosewood she said. That's great I said as I hugged her. Wanna go shopping later? She asked yeah I'm just getting changed and telling Cody. Okay meet me back her at like 2:00 she said. I walked to my car and let Violet go first. I started to drive. Out of nowhere a truck glided past me causing me to do a 360 spin and land on the side. The truck drove off and left me laying there. I was I pain. I felt blood drip form my head. I was stuck and I couldn't move. I started to cry thinking about Cody. I then went unconscious

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