Chapter 4 - Are they going to murder each other?!

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(Lucy's POV)

I sat with the rest of my guild, in between Natsu and Mira. Natsu won't leave me alone. He says it's because he's just lonely, which I suppose is half the truth. But I honestly think he's trying to keep Sting away.

Speaking of the strange blond, I glanced over at Saber's terrace to see Sting looking at me. He waved when he saw me looking at him. I didn't know what to do, so I waved back. Just a tiny gesture.

What am I doing?

This guy wants me to join his guild in Fairy Tail loses! Why am I acting so friendly towards him? I try to convince myself that I don't feel anything for Sting, but the more I think about it, the more I feel confused....

I sigh and look down at my hands.

Natsu raises an eyebrow and asks "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wish they would announce the next competition sooner."

He nods. "Me too."

Awkward silence.

"Alright, kabo! It's time for the next event; a battle!"

I look up at the lacrima vision to see who is in the battles. To my surprise, I see my own name.

Lucy of Fairy Tail vs. Flare of Raven Tail

I feel determination and fear all at the same time. Natsu has a look of worry on his face, so I say "It's not like I wouldn't be fighting at all. I was going to be chosen at some point."

He sighs and says "I know. But I'm sorry, whenever you have to fight I worry a bit."

He looks at me with a warm expression. I smile at him, just before I leave to enter the arena. I don't know what will happen next, but I hope it goes well for me.


(Natsu's POV)

I watch Lucy leave. I wish I could step in for her, and make sure she didn't have to get hurt. But there's nothing I can do. Lisanna is watching me, but I don't turn to look at her. I can't stand her. I really need her to stop.

I watch Lucy come into the arena, standing confidently. She faces her red-headed opponent Flare, and takes out her keys. They start to fight, and I watch in fascination. Lucy has really improved since the last time she fought.

Then Lucy looked up, and stopped fighting.

Flare started laughing and attacking Lucy with her flaming hair, and Lucy did nothing to stop her. I couldn't understand what was happening! It was driving me crazy that I couldn't do anything to help Lucy.

"Lucy, fight her!"

Lucy didn't respond. She was on the ground, being tormented by Flare. Flare was clearly taking this too far. I was considering jumping in when I heard what Flare and Lucy were saying with my keen sense of hearing.

"Flare, don't hurt her! She's just a child!"

"It doesn't matter! As long as I win, nothing matters!"

I looked at my guild members, and sure enough, I saw a strand of flaming hair behind Bisca's little girl. My eyes widened, and I dashed away with no explanation. Everyone sitting around me raised their eyebrows.

I quickly burned the strand of hair, and yelled into the arena "Lucy, now!"

Lucy looked up, and mouthed something that looked like 'Thanks, Natsu.'

And then she could fight again. She was just about to win, at the peak of her power, comets falling from the sky, when her magic suddenly stopped. And Flare took the opportunity, again, to finish Lucy again.

Lucy fell to the ground, on her knees with silent tears falling from her eyes.

It all happened so fast. I need to get down there, to comfort her. I can't let her sit there.

The crowd starts to laugh, shouting things like "Of course Fairy Tail wouldn't win!" and "They're so weak!"

Everything they said made me angrier and angrier. How could they do this to Lucy?!

I was just about to jump into the arena, when a certain blond haired jerk beat me to it. Sting stood in front of Lucy. I couldn't see his expression. I watched, dumbstruck, and he picked her up bridal style, and she looked up at him with those wide chocolate brown eyes.

And he kissed her. It wasn't even on the lips, just on the cheek. But it was enough to set me off.

"I SWEAR TO GOD, STING I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I yelled down into the arena.

Sting winked at me in a form of irony. He left the arena, carrying Lucy. MY LUCY. This is ridiculous. I'm going to have to go get him, right now, and give him a piece of my mind.

I left Fairy Tail's terrace in a horrible mood, with thoughts of Sting laying dead on my mind.



Hey lol. So I noticed this story gets reads a lot faster than any of my other stories. Wow. First of all, Natsu isn't really going to kill Sting. But he wants to. xD. And, I changed up the end of the Flare/Lucy fight :3. I really wish I could have made it more interesting, though. (/o_o)/ *Tableflip*

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