Chapter 9 - What would you say if I wasn't there?

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(Lucy's POV)

I stood at my window, watched at Nastu, Gray, Erza.....and Lisanna......Stormed the castle. I was in the midst of wondering if Igneel would fight them himself when a maid burst into my room. She looked like she was running out of breath, and she was holding a simple bracelet in her hand.

She ran to me, and said "Ms....Ms. Heartfilia, the master wishes for you to wear this bracelet."

I could sense some kind of spell on the bracelet. "What is it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. 

"It is a bracelet that will hide your existence from the intruders." She suddenly took my wrist and slid on the bracelet, and it tightened so I couldn't take it off. I felt as light as air. The maid took a few steps back, as if I wasn't there. There was sweat dripping down her face.

I waved at her, but she didn't react. Instead, she turned and left as quickly as she had come. I sighed, and then noticed something...The door had been left unlocked.



(Natsu's POV)

I smashed the front doors of this stupid castle. The guards tried to stab us with their spears, and I didn't move to stop them. They were too slow anyway, they would never get me.

Suddenly Lisanna screamed "Natsu, look out!"

A column of flames appeared in front of me, and I stopped running just in time. We appeared to be in some kind of throne room.

"How rude of you to interrupt right before supper." A voice echoed through the room.

The fire disappeared and from it emerged a red haired weirdo. He was wearing regal clothes, and he stopped to yawn. "Kids these days."

I glared at him. This must be the guy, Lord Igneel.....I had to admit, something about this guy seemed familiar. But I wasn't going to let it get to me. I have to save Lucy! I yelled at him:

"I'll give you one chance to tell me, where is Lucy Heartfilia?"

He looked at me with an amused expression. Lord Igneel walked forward with his arms outstretched. "Let's have dinner first; I was expecting you. But to be honest, I was expecting you so early."

Erza said "We aren't here to eat dinner and drink tea. We are here to save a friend, and we have reasons to believe you have her."

"I will tell you everything at the table. It's a tragic tale."

I stayed put. Lord Igneel walked to another door and opened it, to show us a long dining table in a room where sunlight flooded in through the windows. My stomach growled as I saw all the food. It's definitely tempting.

Gray was the first to follow the red-haired lord. He said to us "Standing here isn't getting us anywhere. This guy might be able to help us find Lucy, and if that's the truth we might as well have dinner with him."

Erza followed him, then Lisanna, and then myself. This is ridiculous.


(Lucy's POV)

I had escaped my room; that's one thing done. I was still dressed in the fancy dress from earlier. Because of that, it made it harder to run down the hallways. I was going to get to matter what.

I could hear the voices of Gray, Erza, and Lisanna. Igneel was talking as well. The voices were echoing down the hallways, and making my heart pound. What could he possibly be talking to them about?

When I got to the dining room, the door was already open. I stood there, looking at the faces of my friends, and the face of my captor. His red eyes flashed to mine in an instant. I saw surprise in them, but it was quickly gone. He kept on talking like no one was here.

I called out "Gray, Erza! It's me, Lucy!"

No answer. Not even from Natsu.

I looked at Natsu. What kind of magic was in this bracelet? I felt like I was on the verge of tears.

Then suddenly Natsu stood up. He looked around the room frantically. "I smell vanilla and strawberries. I smell Lucy."

I smiled. "N-Natsu, I'm right here..."

But he couldn't hear me.

I sank to my knees and watched as Igneel got Natsu to sit again, and continued to talk.

"Yes, I've been meaning to ask about this Lucy girl. What exactly is she to you, Natsu?"

Natsu paused, and the other members of Fairy Tail turned to look at him. It seemed to be silent in that room for a long time.

"I love her." Said Natsu.

That's when my heart stopped. He....loves me.


(Natsu's POV)

I felt my face get red. But this was not the time to be acting like this! I wanted to punch this 'Lord' in the face for putting me on the spot like that....

But instead he had a knowing smile on his face. It slowly changed to a sad expression, though. I suddenly had a very bad feeling about what he was about to say next. When he spoke, it was in a quiet voice.

"As I was saying, I found the girl you're describing in my village, bruised and bloody. She was on the verge of death. I couldn't just leave her there."

Lies. I knew these were lies. I couldn't wait to find out what really happened from Lucy herself.

"I had her here for awhile. She told me she had been in the Grand Magic Games, and apart of the Fairy Tail guild. She even told me some things about you, Salamander."

I don't remember telling him I was Salamander...

"But she was simply too weak. She died soon after. I'm sorry."

In the silence, I felt my anger growing. There was fear, too. I couldn't believe this. Lucy wasn't really dead, was she?

I started to shake. I couldn't smell her scent anymore.

Erza and Gray were just as dumbstruck as I was. Lisanna watched Lord Igneel.

I stood up and grabbed the collar of Igneel's shirt.

"Stop lying to us. Where is Lucy? I refuse to believe she is dead."

He kept a calm expression on his face. Red sunlight shone through the windows. Igneel removed my hand and sat down again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm telling you the truth. Lucy Heartfilia is dead."

How did he know her last name? We never told him....Did Lucy tell him? I don't know!

I sat down with my face in my hands. This is...ridiculous. Maybe I'm just dreaming....

"Natsu. If you want, you can stay here and train with me to become even stronger. Your loved ones will never be taken from you ever again."

"Don't listen to him Natsu, we're leaving!" Erza yelled.

"Yeah. Sorry, Lord Igneel, but we aren't going to waste our time here anymore."

Lisanna didn't say anything. I watched as my friends all stared at Lord Igneel. Then I spoke up.

"I accept. I will stay here to train. Erza, Gray, Lisanna, you guys get out of here. I'll come back to the guild when I'm ready."

Gray paused before yelling "There is no way we are going to leave you here, Flame brain-"

"You heard him. He wants to stay." Igneel interrupted.

I said nothing at my friends stared at me, then left in silence. I looked up at Igneel and said, "Just because I accept your offer, it doesn't mean that I believe Lucy is dead. If she is out there, I will find her."

Igneel smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."



Yay, I finally updated xD Sorry I know I said 30 reads and then didnt update for awhile. Idk. But here we goo, and the new number of reads is:

50 reads!

We can do this.... :o

More than friends, less than lovers. (A NaLu fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now