Movies, Marvel And bad Influences.

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My phone ringed. It displayed 'Arihant' on the ID caller. I picked up.

"How ya doin'?" He said trying to copy Joey from friends.

"So finally! I told you you'd like it. Say thank you." I replied with a huge grin.

I'd been trying to show 'FRIENDS' to this particularly uninterested homo sapien since forever. Now that he had.. feelings of achievements filled me.

"Thankyou Avi." It was the sweetest of his tone that he used.

"Welcome Arihant." I replied in a similar one.

"So, how ya doin'?" He asked again.

I giggled and answered, "I'm getting ready."


"I have to go to Aryan's house. We're watch Avengers today." I managed to hold my phone in between my ear and shoulder. I applied a layer of mascara and looked at my self for the last time.

"Oooo Aryan's house." He teased me.

"Yep, Aryan's house." I smiled again. He knew everything about him now. Arundhati made sure that I told them each and everything on Thursday, during our economics period.

We bunked it and landed up into trouble.

"I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday but how was your maths test?" He asked.

"I might as well cry instead of answering but I wouldn't ruin my mascara." I answered.

"That bad?"

"Yep." I said popping the p sound.

"Well, if it helps..mine was shit too." He consoled me.

"I know. I didn't forget to ask you yesterday." I said laughing.

He joined in on my laughter.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I behaved like a bitch." He said.

"It's ok. I forgive you. And when I say I forgive you, you better buy me an Icecream and say sorry again." I quoted him from earlier.

"Yeah yeah."

I walked out of my room and saw my mum sitting on the dinning table with a cup of tea and some documents. Working on Saturday. I can just imagine how much it would suck.

Arrav was out with all his friends. It was Vani's first visit to Delhi and that girl was too excited. I remember Arrav telling me about her adventures in her hometown.

Sha has a thing for horrors.

So my brother being the sweet and amazing boyfriend that he is, made a list of haunted places in Delhi that all of them were visiting today.

They were leaving tomorrow.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I said to her and she nodded saying, "Behave while you are there."

"I'm not a kid, ma." I stated.

"You are." Arihant commented from the other side.

She smiled and I walked out of the main door.

"Shut up. You know nothing." I frowned in reply to that.

"Ok." I could see him shrugging his shoulder even though he wasn't in front of me.

"Hey, I've reached his place. I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Alright. I need details though. You better call me as soon as you leave." He said.

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