Gone {9}

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When I got out the shower Mary and Freddie were sitting down, eating fish, watching Cinderella
"Really you two?"
They looked up at me smiled then returned to the T.V.
I laughed and walked to my closet.
I grabbed underwear and a bra I slipped my underwear on under my towel and then wrapped the towel around my waist, I turned away from the two and put my bra on, after that I put on some stretchy yoga pants and a tank top.
I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some fish.
I plopped down in between them and watched the movie with them.

About 45 minutes later
Mary fell asleep on the carpet

"Can you put her on the bed?"
I nudged Freddie who was staring at the screen

I laughed,
I think he likes Cinderella
more then Mary
"Please put Mary on the bed"

He smiled
"Only if I get a kiss"
I put my face a inch away from his
"After, you put her on the bed"
He frowned but still got up and picked her up
"No! Stop! That hurts daddy!"
Mary screamed and slapped Freddie across the face, he rushed over to the bed and set her down.
Mary was wide eyed staring at him, I walked over and sat next to her
"Mary, you okay?"
She looked at me and started crying
"I was having a nightmare!"
She crawled over to me and layed her head in my lap as tears fell down her face, I petted her hair and looked at Freddie who was rubbing the red mark from where she slapped him
"Mary, does daddy hurt you?"
She nodded
I signaled Freddie to go sit down
She stopped crying and started sniffling
"One time, when, when you were at Eds, he, he came in my room, he, he was drunk."
She looked up at me and then layed her head on my chest

"What happened Mary?"
She bit her lip
"He layed ontop of me.
He kissed me but not like, like how I kiss you. He put his tounge in my mouth, I tried to stop him so I bit his mouth"
Freddie was staring at me in horror
"When did this happen Mary?"
I felt so bad, why didn't she tell me?
"4 nights ago, when you were working"
I looked at her big brown eyes
"Why didn't you tell me? Or Lucy? Or even Freddie?"
She was still shaking from the nightmare
"I don't know, I just don't want him to get hurt, I know it was an accident"
I looked at Freddie again.
His eyes were dark and his knuckles were turning white from how tight his fist were
"You still could've told us, you should tell us everything.
Your daddy needs help Mary, he shouldn't touch you or kiss you like that even when he's drunk."
She started crying again
"Bu he's sorryy!"
She was sobbing and I felt like my heart would break, I placed her head in my hands and layed my head on hers
"I know he's sorry Sweetling, don't worry, shh, I'm here.
Mary it's okay I promise.
I'm sorry Sweetling I really am"
Her tears were falling onto my pants, I was trying to sooth her
"He's sorryyy!"
She was just repeating those words over.
Finally she stopped crying and was sniffling again.
Freddie watched us from the couch
"I'm gonna beat his ass"
Mary stared at him
"No! He didn't mean to!"
I looked at Freddie trying to get him to shut up
"Fine whatever"
She glared at him before laying her head back down, I was still petting her head.
Soon she fell asleep.
After I slid out from under her I picked up the plates from the floor
"The bastard almost raped his own daughter!"
I agreed with Freddie that something needs to done but Mary didn't want anything to happen to her dad
"You heard her, she hates the thought of anything happening to him. I think we should just report him to child services"
He stood up and sat on the bed next to Mary
"But then they might take her away from us..."
He was right, we could loose her
"I don't know what to do"
I washed the 3 dishes and put them on the drying rack.
"I don't know either"
I turned off the T.V and lights, and layed down on the bed next to Mary
"I'm sorry Freddie"
He rolled Mary over to the wall and I scooted over so he could lay down, he layed next to me and wrapped my up in his warmth
I don't know why I just feel like I need to apologize to someone for something.
"I just feel bad"
He kissed my forehead
"I think we all would if we found out that the girl we looked after was molested by her father"
I wanted to cry now
"Way to lighten up the mood"
His chest was warm and strong
"Oh, sorry".
After that it was quite.
I fell asleep about an hour later after having a thinking fest.
I woke up to the kitchen light.
I opened my eyes.
Freddie was sitting down putting his shoes on
He looked up at me and frowned
"I'm sorry"
I sat up and checked to see if Mary was still sleeping, she was.
He put on his sneakers and walked over to me
"I'm leaving"
I stared at his green eyes, already?
"Can't you leave in the morning?"
He half smiled
"Nala, you know I won't make it to my classes on time if I leave in the morning. I stay as long as I can with you before I leave and the morning isn't an option for me."
I wanted to cry
I had a ball in my throat that was starting to hurt so bad and my eyes were glazed with tears
"Please don't cry, I'm sorry, you know I don't want to leave you"
He bent down and kisses my forehead
"I. I won't cry"
I knew I was lying
"I'm sorry Nala. I swear when I come back down I'm not gonna leave your side"
I tried to gather a smile
He kneeled down and kisses my lips.
My body was tired and sad so I was pathetic at kissing right now, he pulled away and smiled
"You're my girl Nala, you're strong, you're kind, and you're beautiful. I love you"
A tear fell from my eye
"I love you too Freddie"
He wiped away my tear and stood up
"I've gotta go, I'll call you soon, I promise"
I stood up and hugged him, I knew this would be our last hug in a long time, it hurt so much to say goodbye
"Okay, I love you, please call me"
My voice was breaking.
I let him go and he walked to the door
"I will "
He opened the door and walked out.
My heart actually broke then.
I walked over and closed the door.
All the tears were flowing down my face now, and quite cries came out.
I hate saying goodbye, especially after the last 2 days together.
I walked over to the kitchen and turned the light off, I hobbled back to bed still crying and layed down.
After a couple of minutes I couldn't even cry anymore, I had wasted all my tears.
I just layed there until I fell asleep.
I woke up laying next to Freddie.
"Babe! Omg didn't you leave?"
I pushed his shoulder causing him to wake up
"Hey Nala"
I looked at him and relized he was naked, I looked at myself and I was naked too
"What the fuck? Why are we naked?"
He smiled
"Don't you remember last night?"
I remember you leaving me to cry
"Um no, where's Mary?"
He laughed
Did he just say who?
"You know. Mary Cain. HunnyBun. Sweetling. The little girl next door"
I looked around the room.
This isn't my apartment!
When I looked back at him it wasn't him. It was Mary
"Mary? Where's Freddie?"
She started crying
"Nala! Nala! Come on!"
I opened my eyes.
"Nala, wakie wakie"
I looked at her.
I was dreaming?
I looked around the room, it was my apartment.
Yeah it was a dream.
"Come on sleepy head"
I smiled and sat up, she was in her school uniform
"Ready for school?"
She nodded.
I stood up and grabbed my navy blue hoodie from my closet.
"You wanna eat here or school?"
She pulled me towards the door
"School, come on we're running late"
I smiled, she's so responsible
I remembered last night and felt sad
I nodded
"Okay let's go"
She pushed me out the door and closed it behind us.
We started our walk to school and I was thinking about Freddie.
"Nala, you okay?"
I snapped out of my thought and looked at Mary
"Um, No not really"
I always believed in telling her the truth, and plus somehow she's a great people reader
"Why, what's wrong?"
I smiled at her
"Last night Freddie went back to school, I miss him"
She frowned
"I'm sorry, I know you love each other"
I laughed
"How did you know that?"
She smiled
"I can hear you even when I cover my ears"
I grinned
"Well you were gonna find out sooner or later."
I didn't have anything to hide from her, and she was truthful so I didn't care that she knew.
"I know you miss him. I do too"
I grabbed her hand
"I love you Mary"
She smiled at me
"I love you to Nala".
We walked up to her school
"Want me to eat with you?"
She looked at her friends then at me
"Yeah. I know you're lonely"
I chuckled
"Yeah, I am"
I signed in and we went to the cafeteria.
We grabbed breakfast and sat down with Hannah and Jon, Jonathan is Hannah's older brother who goes to highschool, Hannah is Mary's closest friend.
"Hey Nala, you look beautiful"
I laughed.
I look okay, I'm wearing stretchy yoga pants, a black tank, and a hoodie.
"Thanks Hannah. You look very pretty"
She smiled, her blonde hair was sitting on her shoulders
"Hey lioness, you look tired"
I looked at Jon
"I am tired"
I eat my blueberry loaf and downed the white milk
I look at Mary
"I'll tell you on the walk"
He smirks
"Oh, okay"
I walk with Jon to his highschool that's only five minutes away because apparently having a hot girl walk to school with you impresses your friends or whatever.
The girls finished there breakfast and went to class.
We started our walk to his highschool, we held hands for his status or whatever.
And because I'm a lovey dovey person who's very lonely according to Mary.
He grinned
"So what's wrong?"
I frowned
"On Monday Freddie kissed me, and last night he went back to Tallahassee and left me to lay in bed and cry"
He wrapped his arm around me
"I'm sorry lioness, You have me if you need someone"
I smiled and kissed his cheek
"Thanks Jon, you're so sweet"
He smirked
"Can you do that again when we get to my school?"
I laughed
"Sure. Whatever you need"
He laughed
"I need a girlfriend got one of those?"
I laughed and lightly punched his shoulder
"You know that a almost 24 woman can not date a 17 year old boy"
He frowned
"Aww. You are such a tease"
I smiled
"I'm a tease? Explain yourself young man"
We were almost at his school and some of the boys who passed were wolf whistling
"Okay, so you act all nice and kiss my cheek and hold my hand and then say we can't date. In a guys book that's a sure fire sign a girl likes you"
I smirk
"I'm sorry, in my book that's how I show my love"
A guy passing shouted at us
"A yo, Johny!"
He turned and looked at him
"Your girlfriends hot!"
The guy drove past us and into the parking lot.
"Aww, that's so cute! They think we're dating"
We walked up to the front doors and I stopped
"This is where I leave you Jon"
He laughed
"Can I get that kiss now?"
I kissed his cheek
"Thanks Lioness"
I smiled
"Your welcome, babe"
I walked away as his friends high five him.
I could tell he was shocked.
I did it since his friends all thought we were dating and I thought it would brighten his day.

Aww, I cried when Freddie left.
Such a sad little chapter, I mean didn't you wanna cry?
I can relate to Nala, I may seem tough and gruff but when it comes to who I love I break easily.
Anyone else?
Love you guys.

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