Anything? {43}

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Dai had been pretty freaking weird this morning.
I mean, he had been groaning and whining at me all morning, and he NEVER whines.

I had been working on typing up and sending emails out ever since I had gotten out the shower.

I growled at my laptop in frustration, it was being so slow.
I frowned and saved my email before it shutting down.

I looked at Dai who was watching Criminal Minds on the T.V.
I laughed internally and quietly climbed off the stool.

I grinned and tiptoed over to back of the couch.

I let out a roar before jumping over the couch and into his lap.
He jumped up but then as I started softly punching his bare chest he began laughing.

He pulled me down into his chest and quickly got up.

"No!No No No!"
He laughed and threw me onto the bed.
I tried crawling away but he caught my waist and pulled me back to him.

"You think you can get away with that so easily?"
I stuck out my bottom lip and nodded
He laughed darkly before diggings his hands into my sides and tickling me.

"No! Dai! Stop please!"
I couldn't even breathe.
He smiled and
stopped tickling me.
I took a deep breathe and opened my mouth to speak but he began tickling me again.

I tried pushing his hands away but he just pinned my hands down.
"Please Dai!"
He huffed and stopped
"Okay fine, but only if you do me a favor."
He smirked at me.
"What is it?"
He leaned in so that our faces were only an eyelash width apart.

"A kiss"
I smiled and nodded my head.

He growled softly and placed his head in my neck.
He nudged my head slightly with his making me give him more access to my neck.

He groaned into my neck sending shivers down my spine.
He had loosened his grip on my arms so I discreetly squiggled out of his grip and moved my hands to his head.

He began placing heated open-mouthed kisses on my neck making me groan out in pleasure.

He moved his tounge in circles and sucked tenderly but still roughly on my sensitive spots.
He moaned in appreciation and kept working his magical lips.

I moaned softly and he crawled onto the bed so his body hovered over mine.

He moved his head away from my neck and lightly kissed the edge of my lips.
I growled in frustration and moved his head so I had access to his lips.

I sucked on his bottom lip and lightly bit it making him groan out. I shivered and moaned out at his voice.

He growled at me and I smirked and licked his bottom lip teasingly.

His hands made their way up my shirt and were squeezing my hips and waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled his body closer to mine.

I could feel his hard-on through both of our clothes.

Finally after a little more teasing I let him kiss me full force.

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