Please Nala. {24}

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He was running his hand through my hair and I was feeling sleepier by the second.
I was twiddling with his tie so I didn't snatch his lips up with mine.
His friend Jeremy gave me a rose gold smart phone.
Apparently it was the best phone out. I had never been bought a phone before especially this nice.
It was sweet of him to do it for me.
I felt my eyes droop and grabbed his hand
"You keep doing that and I'll fall asleep on the job"
I looked up at him and he started chuckling
"Sorry beautiful, I just can't keep my hands off of you. Especially in that dress."
My cheeks burned hot and he smirked.
"You know something?"
He arched an sexy eyebrow at me and I internally groaned.
"What's that?"
I opened my mouth to reply but someone knocked on the door causing me to shoot up from Dai's lap.
He fixed himself and I hurried from behind his desk
"Come in"
He sounded pissed off and I didn't blame him.
The door flung open and DJ stepped in
He walked over to Dai with open arms
"DJ, hey little bro"
He stood up and hugged his little brother.
It was such a sweet sight.
They pulled apart and Dai looked at me.
I looked away blushing since I had been creepily watching them.
"Oh look! Its the pretty girl!"
I looked at DJ and laughed as he walks over and hugged me.
"Hey DJ"
His arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders and I couldn't move
"Hey Nala"
He let me go and my body relaxed.
He took a step back and looked at me. His eyes filled with lust and I blushed hard.
I didn't realize how much attention I would get again.
Dai cleared his throat making his brother look away.
"Oh, uh, sorry Nala..."
I laughed it off since the situation was already awkward
"That fine DJ. So how are you?"
He immediately smiled and loosened up.
"Actually, that's what I came here to talk to you two about!"
I arched a eyebrow at him.
Before I could ask what he meant Dai did.
DJ turned to face us both, a smirk spread across his face.
"Well tonight is my annual party.
Your friends"
He turned to me
"Are coming, apparently they're taking you with. True?"
My head went lopsided a little like a confused puppy.
I was going with Lucy, Jamie, and Zane to a party on Saturday.
Which was like a couple days away right?
DJ seemed to realize my confusion
"Uh, Lucy said that she was taking you to a party on Saturday didn't she?"
I nodded.
"Today's Saturday."
Woah. This week passed quickly.
"Ohhh! Okay then, yeah I'm coming I guess."
He nodded his head.
Dai spoke up breaking the silence.
"Uh, Nala you can go home to get ready or whatever.
I'll see you later."
I smiled and walked over giving him a hug.
Now I know what you're thinking, Aww! So cute. But halfway after wrapping my arms around him I realized DJ was in the room and still hasn't known about us, so I gave him a tiny hug and pulled away quickly.
I basically fan out the room and to the elevator, and trust me, It was hard as fuck.

When Hamilton dropped me off at my apartment I noticed Lucy and Mary playing hop scotch on the sidewalk.
Before I could greet them Mary looked up at me and squealed
there was a little blur before little arms wrapped around my waist.
"Hey Sweetling"
I hugged her and looked at Lucy who was staring at me open mouthed.
"Hey Lucy"
She shut her mouth and smiled
"Hey Nala!"
Mary let me go and beamed up at me
"Freddie is upstairs, he's making Mac'n'Cheese"
I nodded my head and ran my hand through her hair.
"Okay, you're going to eat and take a shower then I'll take you to spend the night with Mrs.Davidson, okay?"
She frowned
"When are we going to hangout again?"
I felt bad since I hadn't hung out with Mary for a couple days.
"How about after school on Monday. I promise."
She nodded her head and ran upstairs.
Lucy wrapped her arms around my shoulder.
She pulled away and looked me over
"You. Look. Fabulous."
I smiled and she laughed
"Thanks Luce"
She nodded
"So, is there anyone your dressing up for? Like Freddie?"
My ears burned hot and my stomach churned, I hadn't talked or seen her since the night that Freddie and I, well you understand.
"Uh, actually no I just threw this on this morning. Me and Fred, are no longer..."
She widened her eyes in shock
"Omg, I'm so sorry.
Why didn't you tell me!"
I shrugged
"Well I've been really busy and we were never official. Plus I just saw him this morning and we haven't really parted or whatever its really confusing."
She sighed and ran a hand through her hair
"Okay, we will talk about this later."
I nodded and we walked up the stairs together.

I stepped through the door to the smell of cheesy goodness.
Hell yeah.
I walked into the kitchen where Freddie was eating a bowl of Mac'N'Cheese. He looked up at me and choked on his food.
I laughed and patted his back as he claimed air.
Finally he stood up straight and offered me a bowl
"Yeah, I'm gonna go change"
He nodded and turned around to serve me.
I walked over to my closet and pulled out some sweats and a tank top.
I have to clean soon.
I knocked on the bathroom door and Marys small voice answered
"I'm showering!"
I laughed
"Oh! Sorry Sweets!"
I stepped away from the door and walked over to bed. Freddie was still distracted with my food so I could change easily.
I open the closet door and use of as a wall thingy.
I slip off my dress and as I put on my tank top I lean on the door causing it to close.
I let out a yelp and Freddie turns around looking at me
"Oh fuck, sorry!"
He turns around quickly and I scurry to put on my sweat pants.
I flopped into bed facing the wall
"You can look now!"
I hear shuffling and then the bed dips.
"Hey Nala?"
A hand touches my arm and I turn my head just a bit so I can see Freddie.
I was embarrassed and grumpy.
Especially since in my book he's considered my EX.
He rolled me over to look at him.
"Can we please just go back to Tuesday morning?"
I looked into his pleading green eyes and sighed
"We can't."
He frowned
"Why not? I didn't do anything, I skipped school for you. I love you Nala"
My heart broke at his hurt.
Why couldn't I be with him?
I mean what makes Dai better than Freddie?
A lot of things.
I cupped his cheek.
"Freddie, I love you very much.
But I can't do this with you, I don't wanna get hurt and I would hate to hurt you. I'm not some special girl and I'm not a great person. You deserve better."
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up into his chest.
I wanted to cry for him
"But, No. Nala you at perfect for me, and to me. Nothing you say or do will make me love you any less. I love you Nala, I've loved you since forever."
A tear fell from cheek and he hugged me tighter.
Why is he telling me this?
"Nala, if you could never be with me I understand but, if you think its even remotely possible for you to love me as something more then a friend please."
He lifted my head from his neck and brushed a tear away from my cheek.
"Freddie, I. I just."
I shook my head and let out a sob
"Its fine. I'm sorry"
I calmed myself before looking back up at him.
How do I tell him about Dai?
"Freddie, I've moved on already..."
His body tensed under and he glared down at me
I wiped away a stray tear from my cheek
"Dai Fawn."
He huffed and moved me off him gently. He shook his head and grabbed his stuff and ran out the door slamming the door shut behind him.
I stood up and ran after him but he was speeding away as I looked tears streamed down my face.
I just broke my best friends heart.

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