Where Do We Go. {46}

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I knocked on Sanders door and it opened a minute later.
"Uh hi, I'm Nala.
Dai wanted to know if you would like to eat dinner with us?"
Sander was a very pale man with tossed blonde hair and pale blue eyes.

He smiled and nodded.
"Hey. Yeah sure"
He shut the door and we started walking down the hall.

"Uh, Congratulations by the way."
I looked up at him in confusion.
He chuckled and pointed to my hand.
"He told me the plan yesterday. I was kinda surprised since he's not really a romantic type a guy...
I would've been there but I didn't want to ruin the special moment."
He chuckled nervously and I laughed.
"Well thank you for doing this for us."

I wonder if he heard us...

I pushed open the door just in time to see Dai start serving the first bowl.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Hey Beautiful"
I smiled and kissed his neck.
"Hey Babe"
Sounds foreign coming out my mouth.
I like it though.

He chuckled and finished pouring the bowl.
"Here. Give this to Sanders."
He handed me the bowl.
I walked to the Island and pushed the bowl to Sanders side who smiled in thanks.

"Congrats dude"
Dai came behind me and place the bowls on the Island.
"Thanks Sandy. As soon as we get back I'll repay you."
I smiled and began eating the cheesy heaven.

Sanders chuckled and shook his head.
"No its fine Dai. Just think of it as a gift."
For about 10 more minutes they went on this subject before Sander finally gave in.

I had already finished eating and washed all of dishes.

I was actually pretty tired so I stood up and began to walkout the room before Dai stopped me.
"Are you going to bed beautiful?"
I turned just enough to see him and nodded sleepily.

He chuckled and said goodnight to Sander before walking beside me and down stairs to our room.

I felt myself become sleepier as I neared the bed.
Dai began cleaning the small mess we left before heading up to the kitchen as I flopped into bed.

He grabbed our phones and put them on chargers before shutting off all the lights.

He got into bed and spooned against me as I fell asleep.
My breathes began to shallow and I was on the verge of sleep.

"I love you Nala Belle."
Then, out, I was out like a light.

I tried to stretch but something heavy on my stomach and legs was preventing me.

I opened my eyes and looked down. Dai had wrapped me up in him.
I sighed and retreated back to my original form.

The sun was making its way into the sky making the sky a light yellow, blue, and green.

Dai mumbled something in his sleep and pressed me into him.

I laughed to myself when I felt his morning wood against my thigh.

I layed there for a couple more minutes before Dai stirred and his breathing changed.
He nuzzled his head in my neck making his breathe fan my ear.

Thank god he couldn't smell mine...
"Good morning Beautiful, How'd you sleep?"
I smiled at the sound of his deep husky voice.

"Good. You?"
He softly bit my earlobe and growled.
"I slept well.
I had a dream about us."
I giggled softly and rolled my eyes.
"Oh really? What happened?"
He turned me to face him and used his legs to pull my legs between his.

I could feel his morning wood right at my mound and I got hot and flustered.
"You, were teasing me, in a pretty red dress walking around here.
I, was talking on the phone and I hung up.
You came over and started kissing me and rubbing and grinding all over me.
Then I picked you up, layed you on the bed, and fucked you crazy."
I laughed and cupped his cheek.

"You've got a dirty mind there huh?"
He chuckled and shook his head.
"I call it a sexy imagination.
Maybe we can make those dreams come true eh?"
I smiled and kissed his nose.
"Maybe when we get home Mr. But for now we gotta get ready to go home."
He groaned but helped me out of bed and we made our way towards the bathroom.

We brushed our teeth and faces together before I hopped into the shower.

Dai put on some Pandora and jumped in with me.

We took our time and he let me wash his hair before we got out.

When we got out Dai grabbed our clothes while I dried off and put on lotion.

I grabbed the light pink lace panties and slipped them on and white and pink bra and put it on.
I hung the robe back up and sat on the bed.

What do we do now?
Like, how do we continue?
What if we try to move forward and we break apart over an argument?
Would I marry Dai?

I can imagine me and him at the alter but... How do we get there?

I looked up at Dai who had his boxers on.
"You okay? You've been really quite..."
I frowned and looked out the window.

"I'm scared Dai"
He walked over to me and sat down.
"What's wrong? Why?"
He lifted my chin to look at him.
I love him.
So sweet.
So gentle.
"I don't wanna break up"
He seemed taken back and grabbed my right hand.
"Why would you say that?"

I shrugged and tried pulling away but he pulled me into his lap.
"I, um. What do we do now?
I'm broken and we still don't know everything about each other. I don't wanna be stuck but I'm just so scared something bad'll happen if we move on."
He grabbed my right hand and placed it on his cheek.

"My beautiful girl, listen to me.
I love you too much to leave you, ever. Nothing can ever make me stop loving you. Especially not your or my past. We can take baby steps until you feel comfortable. One day, instead of a promise ring I'll give you my name, and hopefully my children.
I love you Nala.
These things, devotion, marriage, love, children, they're things I haven't ever related to.
But you make me feel whole.
Your smiles, authority, laughs.
The way you want to protect everyone but you're still just a big kid who loves Mac and cheese and being spoiled.
If I ever hear such impure things come from that mouth again I will show you how I feel."

I could feel his straining boxers on my mound but just nodded.
"Thank you Dai"
He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me pulling em into his chest.
I hugged him back and kissed his neck since I couldn't sit up enough to kiss his cheek.

He groaned very softly and I laughed to myself as I climbed off his lap.
"Come on, let's get dressed."

I'm sorry that this chapter was so short.
I needed to update because I felt bad but I wanted to update before the readers who go to school got out.

I didn't go to school because my mom is sick and I didn't have a ride. So yeah!

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