Chapter 14

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*Hey again! Guess what? That something special is a DOUBLE UPDATE! WOO HOO! ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!*


"Alpha Luka I've just gotten word that the Bushuyet Lycan pack is asking permission to enter our main territory. They're about half an hour out." I nod to the enforcers in front of me and give them keys to the rooms for Andrei and his pack.

"Make sure they get these when you see them. They will be in the west wing, rooms one to seven. Room one will be for Alpha Andrei and Luna Irina. Room two will be exclusively for Gamma Alexei and the other five are for their pack members. Be courteous and patient, they've had a long trip." They take the keys and write down what I've instructed them before they leave the room.

"Yulia can you greet them please? Naal and I need to head over to the rec centre to make sure everything has been set up accordingly." I catch her grimace at my question but she nods her head regardless.

"I just want you both to hear that I do not trust that their only motive is to find their Gamma a mate. Brother or not there are more than one hundred million people in Russia let alone the amount in Europe. There's another reason that they are here and I suggest we all keep our guards up when they arrive." She says with finality. Naal and I both nod our agreement and Yulia visibly relaxes before she leaves as well.

"And so it begins." Naal says from the couch. I glance at him briefly before packing up my things.

"I can't believe the time has already come. Though the Bushuyet Lycans are early, regardless what this signifies is invigorating enough." I tell him.

"Exactly. Their pack alone has been regarded as one of the strongest packs in the world."

"I know that's why I was caught off guard by Andrei's request. I know how cruel their father was to them and I know the way he punished them so I'm surprised Alexei still hasn't chosen a mate at twenty-six."

"Maybe that's the exact reason. Without all of the pressure of being the Alpha like Andrei or even Beta like his older brother Alyosha, Alexei has had time to himself, something his father never truly allowed. Maybe he honestly doesn't want a mate. Even though for their pack in particular the time frame to choose a mate is from sixteen to twenty-one, he himself chose to defy those laws because his father wasn't in power anymore." Naal comments quietly.

It would make complete sense really. The Bushuyet Lycan pack is pure brutal strength and force. They are a closely knit pack and severely devoted to their Alpha. Unlike Thomas though it's not a dictatorship, they all have a say in almost everything they do but the Alpha's children have to portray strength and power more than anyone else. It's take a lot to make a lycan scar and those guys are almost filled with them.

Their father, Artur, was and is one of the strongest lycans alive making him and his family a target. The amount of assassination attempts on him alone is astounding and when his enemies started to go after his family he took it upon himself to make sure they would always be prepared for a fight no matter how old they were. It explains their upbringing for sure and the need for a mate so that they can become stronger. So it also explains Alexei's defiance.

"So if that's what you believe then why do you think he agreed to coming here? What's the point?" I ask Naal leaving my desk and walking to the door.

"Only one way to find out I guess."

"On a lighter note did you hear about Keegan and Tyffany?" I say changing my shirt. He stands up as well and adjusts his clothes.

HOLDEN: Book Two of The Dark Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now