imagine ff bts: Part 3

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     Everything changed after that day. You two where inseparable. you went every where together. You where still going strong for 2 years you thought you guys where going good. If an argument came up you get over it and forgive each other. If you where going through hard times both of you where going through hard times. Until one night you get a phone call. It was from Bit Hit entertainment. They wanted you to become a trainee. Right after you got off the phone with Big Hit entertainment you called your big brother.
Y/n: Oppa Guess what! Big Hit entertainment wants me to be a trainee!
Namjoon: y/n don't become a trainee.
Y/N: Why?
Namjoon: Because if you become a trainee you wont be able to date Jungkook maknae. I'm only looking out for you. I don't want you to have to choose. But what ever you do choose i'll be there with you. I have to go and get back to practice. Oh wait everyone says hi and that they miss you and that they love you and hope to see you soon.
Y/N: Tell them i love them too and hope to see them soon. Bye oppa I'll see you at home.
you sit on your bed and think over the offer. You decide to turn them down. You want to be able to date Jungkook. You would give up your dream just to be with one person that you think might be the one for the rest of your life. When Jungkook gets the news that you turned down the trainee offer he called you immediately.
Y/N: Hey Kookie Oppa! what do you want?
Jungkook: How could you pass that offer to follow your dreams?
Y/N: I wanted to be with you. If i would of taken the offer then we couldn't be together and i don't want to lose us.
Jungkook: I would've waited. I didn't want to be the one standing in your way of you drams. But i did and i feel really bad. Y/N tell me you will call them back and say that you changed your mind that you want the trainee spot. Tell me that right when i hang up you will call them.
Y/N: No
Jungkook: No what do you mean No?
Y/N: No i wont call them i want us to last
Jungkook: But y/n if I'm standing in your way for your dreams I'm being a bad boyfriend. Y/n I love you but if I'm impacting your decisions this much to where you would give anything to be with me I can't be around you like this. I want you to make your own decisions with out having to consider me. If you would've taken the spot i would have waited. I would wait for ever to be with you Y/n. But I can't take that it was my fault that you didn't take the job.
Y/n: What are you trying to say. you can't deal with me any more?
Jungkook: I'm sorry Y/n but if this is the only way to get you to change your mind and go to the trainee spot then it will have to be. I'm sorry Y/n But I can't be with you anymore.

     You just sat there thinking of the words that Jungkook just said. You couldn't believe it. After all you've been through he just gives up on you. You walked to your room and locked the door. You fell on your bed. You cover yourself with your blankets and cry yourself to sleep.


He just sat there wondering what he did. He puts his phone in his pocket. He starts to slide down the wall. Once he reached the floor he put his elbows to his knees and his hands to the top sides of his head. One tear after another fell. 
?????: What's wrong Kookie maknae?
   He looks to see Namjoon Towering over him. He quickly wiped the tears away. 
Jungkook: Nothing Namjoon just nothing.
Namjoon: Are you sure? You seem really upset. Did something happen betewwn you and Y/n?
     Rap Monster got this look in his eyes. He picked up Jungkook by the collar and pulled him up and pushed him against the wall.
Namjoon: Did you hurt Y/n?!?! I told you to never hurt her!
Jungkook: I ended it with her so the she can become a trainee. So that she can do what she wants with her life. She didn't take the spot because she wanted to be with me. And even though it hurt me to do it I did. I will wait for Y/n even if she doesn't wait for me. I'm sorry Namjoon.
Namjoon: What have you done. You where her first boyfriend. She told you everything. And then you do this to her. She changed when she met you. When ever she was around you she was happier. She would never  stop asking how you where when you guys didn't talk. She only video called me just to have the chance to see you. She only has me and she had you and you go and hurt her like this.
     Namjoon was pissed at Jungkook for hurting you like this. He through Jungkook to the ground and ran home.

     YOUR P.O.V:
He runs in the house and makes a loud noise causing you to wake up. You knew it must've been Namjoon and just let it go. 
  Namjoon: Y/N!!!!!!! OPNE THE DOOR!! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!!
You still didn't get up.
Y/n: Go away namjoon oppa. I want to be alone.
Namjoon: Y/n Please let me in. 
Y/n: No.
Namjoon: Y/n Please you don't have to deal with this by your self.
Y/n: Can't you tell that i want to be alone.
     Namjoon didn't answer. He must've went to his room. Every day Namjoon wold try and get you out of your room. But you would just sit in your chair form you desk and look out your window. You never really spoke to Namjoon even when he would come and sit next to you and keep you company. The only reason for you to come out of your room was to get something to eat, go to the bathroom, take a shower, and get you some water. Some times Namjoon would have guests over but it was only Jin, Suga, and jimin. Of course Jimin every time he saw you he would hit on you. Even when you looked your worst. He some how still loved you even if you thought you looked gross or even if you where with some one else. Jimin tried to comfort you every time he saw you. But you would always turn him down. One day you where actually got into some real clothes. You left your room to go get some lunch and water. Namjoon had a guest over. from the back of his head you thought it was Jungkook. You decided just to leave it alone, Namjoon could be around anyone he wanted. You where fixing yourself some lunch when V walks into the kitchen.
V: MMMMMMM. Something smells good.

He looks at you plate of food and grabs it and runs away.
You say running after him. He runs into the living room and sit on the couch. You stand in front of the T.V with your hands on your hips.
Y/N: V that was not your food. Give it back to me.
Namjoon: Y/n your actually dressed!
Y/N: Oppppaaaaaa V took my foooood!
Namjoon: Well why don't you and V got and get some take out for all of us and then we all can eat together?
Y/n: What ever. But your paying V.
V: OK.
     It was the first time you've been out of your room for 2 months. You forgot what out side looked like.
V: So y/n how come you haven't been around jungkkook or even talked to him?
You looked at him then at the ground. A tear fell and V knew that you where staring to cry. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to him. The next thing you know is that your face was snuggled into his chest and you where balling your eyes out.
V: Y/n you can just stay like this for as long as you need to.
Y/N: Thank you Tae. I really needed it. I haven't talked to any one about me and Jungkook since he dumped me.
V: What he dumped you. Why you guys where the couple. Everyone wanted to be you guys. Why would he do that?
Y/N: He wanted me to take the trainee spot at big hit and i told him that I wouldn't take it because i wanted to be with him. Then he got mad at me and broke up with me just so that i would take the spot. But i didn't want to take the spot and he didn't understand that even though he could wait for me I couldn't stand to be away from him that long. And I was afraid that he would lose feelings for me or find someone better. I just couldn't stand seeing him with some one else.
V: Oh. I'm really sorry Y/n I didn't mean to make you cry by asking about what happened. But if it makes you feel better Jungkook has been a mess since he left you. He hasn't been him self. I knew something was wrong i just didn't know how to ask him.

     You didn't say anything you just looked at Taehyung. He had this sparkle in his eyes that you found cute. You looked into his big dark brown eyes. You felt his hand move on your back. Your heart started to thump faster and faster. You could feel his warmth. It was comforting. You finally found a friend that cared for you. Not like love care but friendly care.


     I finally have her in my arms. I thought this day would never come. I fell in love with her the first time Namjoon Video called her in front of me. I couldn't get her out of my head. I always wanted her to be mine. But she fell for jungkook. I know i can't have her. All i'll do is hurt her. I can't hurt anyone any more.

     Y/n: Taehyung Oppa you can let me go now. I'm fine.
Taehyung: Y/n can we please stay like this for a little bit longer?
Y/n: But Tae oppa we need to go get the food or Namjoon oppa will get very mad at us for being out to long.
Taehyung: Your right I'm sorry, y/n. Forget i said anything.

     Is Taehyung Oppa falling for me? I really don't want to let him down if I don't have the same feelings. But taehyung is like one of my new friends that i never had. How would he be interested in me if this is the first time we really even talked to each other?     
 You and Taehyung walked to the nearest take out place. When you got to the front door you noticed that the restaurant was a Japanese place. You've always wanted to try Japanese food. You knew that your brother was talking about some dish that he really enjoyed and s you ordered it for him again and you chose your food. You where just walking out of the restaurant with your food and namjoon's food when Taehyung ran after you with his bag of food.
Taehyung: Y/n!! I thought we where all eating together? That's the only reason why i came.
Y/n: Oh. I thought you only came to get food and go home.
Taehyung: Ummmm. I don't think Namjoon told you this but I'm having some problems at home and he said that i could come and stay with you guys until the problems are resolved.
Y/n: Oh. Ok that's grate. Well maybe for dinner I can cook something to welcome you into our home.
Taehyung: Sounds grate. I would love that.
Y/n: Hey maybe if it's ok with Namjoon oppa you can invite he guys over. I know Yoongi would come it's free food. And Jin oppa would come just to help me cook, Jimin would come just to see me and jungkook...... I don't think he will come.
Taehyung: I'm sure he'll come because he still loves you.
   Your face lit up when Taehyung said that he still loved you.

     Y/n it pains me too see you like this. I know he still loves you but I loved you for as long as i can remember. Seeing you with him hurts me. It hurts knowing that i can never have you, it hurts knowing that you will never love me like i love you. Every time you see me i know your thinking of him even when you say that your not. I don't think he deserves you.----- Y/n I love you.  

You Just get back to your apartment and it's 1:30. 
y/n: Nnnaaaaammmmmjooon WE'RE HOME!!!!! 
Namjoon: It's about time. What took you so long.
Y/n: Well there was a long line and we talked for a little about how Tae Tae was staying with us for a while.
Namjoon: Tae Tae? Who's tae tae?
Y/n: Taehyung oppa is Tae Tae.
Namjoon: But you never give anyone nicknames. You just call them by their names. Well unless the mean something to you. Like me for example, you call me oppa not just out of respect but because I mean something to you. Also you don't call Jin hyung, Jin oppa. And when you where with Jungkook maknae you called him Kookie oppa. So teahyung maknae must mean someting to you. But just what is that something?
Y/n: He's just a friend Namjoon Oppa.
Taehyung: Ouch! That one hurt Y/n. Why did you have to fried zone me so hard.

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