Part 20

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Taehung's POV

We were watching the movie and we all fell asleep. She's been gone for a while. I wounder were she is? 

I woke up to light coming through the curtains. Damn it's already morning? I get up and walk to Y/n's room. I open the door. Her bags are still on her bed. Where is she? I run out to the living room and wake every one up.

Taehyung: Guys wake up!

I aggressively shake Namjoon.

Taehyung: Guys wake up y/n didn't come home last night we have to go look for her.

Jin was the first to wake up.

Jin: What do you mean she didn't come home last night?!
Taehyung: She is not in her room. She's not here.
Yoongi: What's going on?

He says sleepily and stretches.

Taehyunng: Y/n didn't come home last night.
Yoongi: Oh good i thought you guys didn't wake me up and ate with out me.
J-Hope: You're worried about food but not y/n?!
Yoongi: No I'm worried about her just food is on my mind right now.
Jimin: Damn hyung that's cold.
Taehyung: We have to go look for her.

We all get up and walk out the door. 

Jungkook: It would be a better idea for us to split up. We can cover more ground.

I nod my head and start walking in a direction.

Why didn't she call me? Why would she be out that late? She knows what happened last time she went out late. 

I continue walking. I turn a corner and see some one laying in the street. I rush over to help. As I get closer I notice that there is a lot of blood every where. Wait y/n was wearing the same outfit yesterday. 

Taehyung: Y/N!!!!

I run faster. I look at the persons face. I fall to my knees.

Taehyung: Why did this happen? Y/n I'm so sorry this happened. I'm such a bad boy friend. 

I pick up her head and lay it on my knees. I feel tears running down my face.


I start to cry harder. I hold her in my arms.

Namjoon: TAEHYUNG!!!!!!

I look up and see the guys running towards us. I hang my head low.

Taehyung: Hyung I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I say quietly. They finally get to us.

Taehyung: Hyung I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. It was my fault. I didn't go with her. I should've. If I would've went she wouldn't be like this.
Namjoon: Jin call the ambulance. Right now.
Jin: Already on it. 

I still have her lifeless body in my arms. I hear sirens. I don't think I'm ready for them to tell me that they can't do anything to help her. I'm not ready to loose her. The paramedics came out of the ambulance and took her from my arms. They put her on a gurney and started rolling her to the back of the truck. They were doing CPR to try and save her. Jin and Namjoon got into the truck and they sped off. The rest of us ran to the apartment and got into the car and drove as fast as we could to the hospital. 

Taehyung: It's all my fault this happened. If I just went home with her. She wouldn't be in this position.
Jimin: Tae it's not your fault. You didn't know this was going to happen.
Yoongi: Don't blame yourself Tae.
Taehyung: That doesn't help. When you guys tell me not to blame myself it only makes things worse!! 

I snap at them.

Jungkook: Tae shut up Ok. It was not your fault this happened. It's all of ours because we didn't answer her because we all know that she tried and call us. We all are to blame not just you. So stop being pity for your self.
J-Hope: Damn way to make everything worse.
Jungkook: It's true tho.

We get to the hospital and get out of the car. We run into the lobby and see Jin and Namjoon siting waiting for answers. Namjoon's head was in his hands. Jin was comforting him.

Namjoon: She just got back yesterday, She can't just leave again. 
Jin: I know but everything is going to be ok. I promise.
Taehyung: Where's Y/n?
Jin: She's in the emergency room. 

I walk over to Namjoon and sit right next to him.

I don't know how long we were sitting there. But it felt like and antagonizing eternity. The doctor finally came out.

Doctor: Brother of Kim Y/n?

He looks up from his clip board. We all stand up. His eyes widen.

Namjoon: I'm her brother.

He steps forward.

Doctor: She seems to be doing well with the treatments.

We all sigh in relief 

Doctor:  She lost a lot of blood but she will be fine. We are going to keep her here for a couple days just to make sure she will be 100 percent fine. You can see her tomorrow. Right now she is sleeping and wont be awake until midnight tonight. 
Namjoon: Can we just go see her. Please. We wont wake her.
Doctor: Sure. She's In room 305. On the third floor.
Namjoon: Thank you. 

We all slightly bow to the doctor. When he leaves we all walk to the elevator. 

Namjoon: Ok me and Tae are going to stay here. Until she wakes up tonight. We'll call you guys if we need anything.
Jin: Are you sure?
J-Hope: We can all stay hay here and help you watch her.
Namjoon: No we should be fine.

The elevator stopped and the door open. We step out and walk to her room.

Yoongi: What room was is again?
Taehyung: 305.

I answer quickly. We get to her door and slowly open it. We walk in and I just see her laying there. It looks like shes dead. She was pale. She had not color to her. There was tubes every where on her. She was breathing through an oxygen tube. I couldn't help cry. Just seeing her like this. She had a black eye on her right side. Her nose was broken. You could just tell because there was a cast on it. There were stitches along the bottom of her jaw. She had a busted lip and there was bruises all over her. I can't see her like this. I'm so sorry. I walk to a chair and sit down. I just stare at her.

Jin: At least she's still here.
Namjoon: Yeah.
Yoongi: I'm sorry Namjoon.
J-Hope: I'm sorry too.
Jimin: You just got out of the hospital and now your sister is here.
Jungkook: I'm sorry.
Namjoon: No it's fine. She's ok and that's all that matters. 

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