FF Imagine BTS Part 10

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  Hey guys welcome back!! So As you might have read you left for america in the last part. Don't worry you will come back. But in this part it will mostly be Bts's pov. No more spoilers so imma go now. Enjoy!!

   Taehyung's p.o.v:

  It's been 7 months since Y/n left. I mean we still talk once a month but she mostly talks to Namjoon hyung. It's been really awkward talking to her. She only asks how i'm doing ten I'll answer her and ask her how school is going. She'll reply and then I send something and she just stops texting me. It's really sad how we talk to each other. I wonder if she still remembers the promise we made each other. I can't wait for her to come back. Just another 5 months and 4 years. I'm desperate. I want her. No I need her in my life for me to work. I still live with Namjoon hyung. I don't really do anything. I just go to school and practice then I come home and sit... in her room.... thinking. I don't talk to anyone. Not even Namjoon hyung. He tries to comfort me but but he knows he can't. So he just sits in her room with me. Jin comes over every day to give us dinner because we don't know how to cook and we would starve with out him.

  I come slowly out of her room slumped over and depressed.

Jin: It's only been 7 months. You have to get over her. She will forget about you and find some one else. I'm sorry Tae but it's true. And plus Jackson is going there next fall.
Taehyung: You're lying. She would never forget.
Jin: How much do you and her talk?
Taehyung: Not much. Why?
Jin: See shes already forgetting about you.
Taehyung: What are you talking about she would she wouldn't do that. She's just cough up in her studies that's all. She said that she wold call me on Saturday.  That's when she doesn't have school.
Jin: But wont you be in school?
Taehyung: No because Saturday for her is Sunday for us. We don't have school Sunday.
Jin: Wow you are desperate.
Taehyung: And your desperate for Namjoon hyung to love you. So you can't call me desperate until you stop trying to get Namjoon to love you.
Jin: You really love her don't you?
Taehyung: So much I even promised her that I would wait until she came back and that I would be at the air port waiting for her the day before she comes home.
Jin: You're such a love sick puppy.
Taehyung: I love her. Shes my queen. No she's bigger than that she's my world. I don't know what to do with out her. Jin, I lover her so much that I'm going to die if I don't see her. I would do anything for her.
Jin: I'm So sorry for you.
Taehyung: Why are you sorry?
Jin: The love of your life is all the way on the other side of the earth. It's a fucked up Romeo and Juliet story. Not that the original is any better.
Teahyung: She's the light of my life. She's my smile, my happiness, My purpose to live. And I can't even tell her.
Jin: I'm sorry. I never knew you felt this way. But wait there maybe a way you can tell her.
Taehyung: How? Tell me!
Jin: You said that she was going to call you on Saturday, right?
Taehyung: Yeah why?
Jin: Well maybe you should tell her your feelings and have a long distance relationship and when she comes back have just a normal relationship.
Taehyung: Jin your a genus!! When I face time her that's  when I'll do it. 
   My face lite up. I was so happy maybe she would except my feelings. Maybe. 


   He seemed so happy. I wasn't sure it was going to work but it made him happy. I just hope if she turns him down he wont be hart broken and he will learn to get over her.


Taehyung's P.O.V:

 I was waiting by my computer all day. It was midnight and I decided to just give up. She forgot. It's ok maybe next time. I started to fall asleep when My laptop lite up. I looked at the caller ID. It was Y/n. I answered it quickly.

Y/n: Tae Tae bear. Omg I missed you so much.
Taehyung: Me to kitten. 
Y/n: How come it's so dark there?
Taehyung: It's midnight here.
Y/n: Omg I'm so sorry Tae. I for got. Have you been waiting all day for me to call?
Taehyung: Yeah. But it's ok Kitten, It's worth it if I get to talk to you.
Y/n: Kim Taehyung, You're such a flirt. 
Taehyung: Speaking of flirting I have something to say.
Y/n: Hmm?
Taehyung: Y/n, Will you do me the honor of making me your boyfriend.
Y/n: Tae-
Taehyung: Y/n, I love you, your my smile, my life, my purpose to live. You're my queen. No you're grater than that you're my world.
Y/n: Tae if you would've let me finish you would've heard me say that I would love to but are you sure you want a long distance relationship?
Taehyung: Of course I do just as long as I can call you mine.
Y/n: Then yes. I would love to be your's Kim Taehyung!
Taehyung: Grate! I've been waiting for this for a long time. Y/n you don't know how happy you've made me. I hope I can make you as happy as you make me.
Y/n: Kim Taehyung, you don't even have to try, You make me happy just by letting me see you smile.
Taehyung: I love you, Kim Y/n.
Y/n: I love you to Kim Taehyung. But you really should get some sleep. It's 1:30 a.m. over there. And I have to get to a class.
Taehyung: Ok. Bye I'll call you tonight to say good night to you, Ok?
Y/n: Ok looking forward to it.

We hung up. I had the biggest smile on my face. I started to close m eyes and doze off.

                * In Tae's Dream*

I was walking around. It was really bright.

Taehyung: Am I in heaven?

Y/n: No  Kim Taehyung.

taehyung: Y/n, What are you doing here?

Y/n: I wanted to be with you. We've been away for to long.

She started to move closer to me.

Taehyung: Y/n, this isn't like you. What's going on?

Y/n: I just wanted to show you how I feel

I felt her lips on mine. She Started to walk me to the bed that magically appeared. I couldn't pull away. My body wouldn't let me. I liked it too much. I started to think to myself ' this is just a dream. You shouldn't be thinking like this you just got together with her. You have to stop' I woke up and sat on the edge of my bed. Is that how I think of her? She's innocent. I shouldn't be imagining her like this for my own self benefit. i look at my clock. It's 9:30 i have to call her to say good night. I dash to my laptop on my desk. I scroll down to favorites and find Y/n's Skype. I sit and wait while the computer rings. Did she forget? Is she sleeping? I look down and disappointment. Suddenly the screen lights up.
Taehyung: Y/n-
Y/n: Jackson I really have to go now. You have to leave.

Why is Jackson there?

Y/n: Jackson really you have to go.
Jackson: I'm not leaving until you answer me.
Y/n: Jackson I really appreciate your feelings and you telling em that you liked me but, I'm sorry but I can't return the feelings. I love someone else. I'm sorry.

Jackson raised his hand. He hesitated for a minuet and then he put his hand down.

Jackson: Ok. I respect your feelings. I hope you are happy.
Y/n: Thank you Jackson. But you really have to go it's late and I need to talk to someone.

She gives him a hug and rushes over to her laptop.

Y/n: Oh, Tae How long have you been watching?
Tae: Not long Just a couple of minuets.
Y/n: So you heard the argument?
Tae: Yeah, I'm sorry I should've hung up but I just had a feeling that I shouldn't.
Y/n: No, You don't need to be sorry. It's not like he hurt me or anything.
Tae: But he was going to. You know that.
Y/n: Yes, I know but he's a friend and he wouldn't forgive himself.
Tae: How do you know that?
Y/n: Because I've known him for so long we are best friends.
Tae: Why is he even there? Isn't he supposed to be here in Seoul?   
Y/n: No, He's a student here just like me
Tae: Oh well that's nice. But I thought he was going there next year?
Y/n: Well The college wanted him here early so he came here a month after me.
Tae: So does he work in the same department as you?
Y/n: Yeah. Why Tae?
Tae: Just asking. Hey when you come back will you cook for me?
Y/n: Of course I'll cook for everyone.
Tae: OK. You should get to bed you have to get up early tomorrow.
Y/n: Ok. Have a great day. Salanghae.
Tae: Salanghae Kitten.

      I turned off my computer and got ready for school.


Jin: So how was talking to y/n?
Tae: We're a couple. She said yes.
Jin: That's fantastic!
Tae: She said that when she get's back she'll cook for us. All the things that she learned.
Jin: I wounder if she'll teach me?
Tae: I'm sure she will. She likes you and she likes cooking with you and you tough her all she knows so far.
Jin: That's true.   

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