Chapter 9

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~~Five Days Later~~

Sierra is slowly recuperating after the incident between her and Brett. Her mindset is stable once again, so she seems like she is back to normal. She can move most of her body. Her strength is coming back. Her wound still bothers her, but the pain isn't as bad as she thought it would be. She can walk with the help of someone. Her left arm is still slightly paralyzed, but has some muscle movements.

"Danny, can you help me to the den? I want to interact with the others. This is the first day that I'm actually feeling like myself since the thing." She says, her voice relaxed even though Danny was fixing her stitches.

"Yeah of course. I think they've put a movie on, so the atmosphere won't be as bad as it was. Which is good." He nods his head and doesn't look up, while he's treating her wound.

"Thanks. You're the best. No wonder why David says 'He's the bestest daddy in the whole wide world.'" She chuckles, trying not to move. "Hey, can I tell you something?" Her voice was calm and serious.

"No problem. Ha, thanks. I wouldn't be the best dad without the best son." He pauses, waiting for her to tell him. "Yes, of course."

"I am happy that Kate and Scott are together. I just think that I needed to get past the initial hurt to see that they are happy together. I can see how Kate is starting to seem alive again. I missed seeing that in her. And Scott, he needed someone that would help him see the good. I don't know what has been happening to him lately, but he has seemed so depressed. I am just glad that everyone around me is happy. I mean I wish I could be happy, but I need to figure out what I need to do to be happy." She rambles. "Do you get what I mean, Dad?" She says, her voice is surprisingly perky.

Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at the sound of being called dad. "I understand what you are trying to say. I agree with you; I'm glad that he's finally happy. I don't care who he's with, as long as he's happy. I couldn't remember a time where his face would light up as much as it does now. I want you to know that not everyone figures out what makes them happy at the same time. People need certain experiences and certain memories before they can figure out what they need. You definitely need the time."

"Thanks." She chuckles. "Oops, I called you dad. Sorry. I think that I am going to figure out ways to help me reach my center self. Hey, do you think that my wound is going to heal better?"

"It's fine really. I think you'll heal just fine over time, and looking at it now I can easily tell it has healed a great deal." Danny smiles, placing gauze over the wound.

"Alright. Thanks. For everything. And to let you know, I've always looked at you as a father-figure. You always seem to be looking out for me. I really appreciate it." She smiles. "Can we go to the den now? I want to actually walk for once farther than the bathroom." She chuckles slightly.

"Alright, take it one step at a time though. Don't want to undo any stitches." Danny smiles, getting under her arm.

"Don't hold me. Can you just be behind me in case I fall? I want to try to walk by myself at first." Sierra smiles, actually feeling confident for the first time in a while.

"Alright. Just know I'll be right here." He smiles at the fact that her attitude was coming back. He stood up and to the side.

She smiled and took a slow step forward. Seeing as how she was able to do that, she takes another. "I'm doing this! I'm actually walking!" She exclaims. She smiles, and takes more steps.

"Dad! I'm actually walking!" She goes to take a step, but her foot gets caught. She trips up a little, but quickly grabs onto Danny. "Uh, maybe you should carry me until we get away from and off of the stairs." She says sheepishly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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