Chapter 5- Siblings?

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A/N so that you get a better picture, I'm putting what they are wearing in the picture thingy.

We get closer and closer to the huge castle. I look over at a colorful park next to the shining castle and a picture forms in my mind. I'm very young and I'm playing with two older kids. One appears to be a girl, and the other a boy. I stare at my hands which are glowing magically.

"Are you okay Hayley?" Ryan says concerned. I look up at him a little confused.

"Um, yeah. Why?" I ask hiding my hands in the folds of Katie's gown she lent me.
"Your hands, they are glowing." Ryan takes my hand and I pull it back.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just a little nervous." I nervously giggle. I look back out the window and see the steps of the palace. I faintly remember three kids and their parents walking up laughing together. As a family.

"It's okay Hayley. There is no need to be nervous." Ryan whispers with a reassuring smile.

"It's so weird, seeing the castle is giving me memories from it. It's like I've been here before." I look up at Ryan.

"That is weird. We will see what you think when you get inside."

Once we reach the place that we are supposed to get dropped off, everyone starts to get out of the carriage.

Ryan helps me out and we start walking up the long stairs. Each step feels like in getting closer to where I belong. I look over at the flowers by the stairs and a memory pops into my head of me and my siblings playing. This can't be. They can't be my siblings, my mom only had me.

Suddenly a strong wind blows and a huge dark cloud starts to form in the distance. It didn't look like any rain cloud. It seemed different. We reach the huge doors and we walk in. I look up at all the decorations and detail in the ballroom.

I gasp at all the food, music, and dancing people. I smile at everything.

We walk around and greet people for a few minutes when Katie comes up to us.

"Hayley, come meet Annie and Caleb." She takes us. I see a woman with long dark brown hair and a beautiful golden gown. Her crown is sparkling. She's facing the other way laughing and smiling. She turns around and her expression changes with a confused face.

"Your majesty." I curtsy with kindness.

"Hayley." She says quickly. "You-you're Hayley." She seems frightened.

"Um, yeah, that's my name." I'm confused. Does she think I'm her sister?

"This is impossible. You can't be my sister." I examines me.

"Your curly light brown hair, your eyes, your smile. You even look like Caleb and I."

"Now that I think about it. I do see a resemblance." I say looking down, thinking about how my childhood might be some big lie. Could I be the dead princess?

"Caleb, come over here!" Annie yells to a man standing a few yards away. Caleb walks over, takes one look at me and his expression changes to look like Annie's.

"Hayley? This is weird. You even have the beauty mark on the side of your face." He says. Katie and Ryan just stand and try to figure out what is going on.

"You guys follow me." Annie says. Caleb, Ryan, Katie, and I follow her out of the ballroom and into a big room with pictures on the walls.

"Look, this is our sister Hayley." She points to a painted portrait of their family.

"It looks just like a portrait that I have back at home from when I was little. I don't remember anything from before I was seven." I say.
"Really? Hayley was seven when she died." Caleb says coming up to me.
"My mother told me that I fell and lost all my memory. But, riding closer and closer to the castle, I started getting more memories. It was like I lived here before." I look back at the picture.

"I remember this picture now, I remember seeing it in here."
Annie holds my hand and looks me in the eyes. "Hayley," tears of happiness drop from her eyes, "I think you're out sister." We hug each other tight.

"I think so too." I start to cry a little bit. Caleb, Annie, and I hug and it felt right. I felt at home and safe.

We finally stop and my hands start giving off a magical glow. Everything starts to shake a little bit.

"What's happening? Why are your hands glowing?" Caleb asks me.

"Oh, well, I sort of have magical powers that I just found out about two days ago." I say while Annie, Caleb, and Katie look at me like I'm crazy.

"It's true! She saved our lives from a falling tree when we met in the woods." Ryan says then everyone looks at him like he's crazy.

"What?!" Katie yells over everything that is shaking even louder now.

Suddenly, there is a loud bang and we fall to the ground. We all black out.

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