4 | Who picked this?

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Mia, Ellen and the other boys started to arrive around ten to six, Jake being a bit late due to footy practice. Mia and Sam were first to arrive saying hello then sitting in a beanbag together, cuddling while Sam immediately grabbed a huge handful of popcorn.

"Hey, that's supposed to be for watching the movie, not before." I said jokingly, Mia shaking her head and giggling at him.

"Well then, you should have though about that before you put it out." Sam replied grabbing some more and shoving it into his mouth.

Just then Andy and Ellen arrived. Andy went and sat down near Sam and Mia. I went over to Ellen and introduced myself. "Hey Ellen, I'm Steph. It's nice to meet you, I'm glad you're not sick anymore. I got chicken pox twice when I was little and it was awful." I said giving her a quick hug.

"Yeah, chicken pox sucks. It's good to finally meet you too, Felix has told me heaps about you." She said with a small smile. "I think you're going to be a great addition to our group."

Ellen and I went and sat down on the lounge with Felix in the middle, joining the discussion on which flavor of chips is better, salt and vinegar or barbeque.

At around six-twenty Jake arrived, saving me from having to continue participating in the conversation that was now about what animal we would be if we weren't people. I would be a wolf, if you were wondering. Jake came and joined us sitting next to Oscar and picking up the DVD of the table. "Hey, Love Actually. Who picked this? It wasn't Felix was it? He always chooses this type of movie."

"No, it was me. I'm thinking of choosing 50 First Dates next time." I said back, a little annoyed.

"Oh, ok it's fine if you choose it. You're a girl and girls like these kinds of movies."

"Excuse me, but just because I'm a girl shouldn't mean that my choice of movie should be taken any differently to Felix's." I said, this time I really was annoyed. "I like all types of movies, I happen to love the Fast and Furious movies, Jump Street movies and other movies like those. Not just romantic comedies, thanks."

"Alright, I'm sorry. I'll just put the movie on then and we can watch it while we wait for the pizza to arrive." He said taken aback. "I ordered on my way, I hope everyone is ok with a meatlovers, a supreme and a barbeque with three garlic breads and two bottles of Coke."

"Yeah, that sounds great." Sam said. "And you got the same for me right? You know how much I love pizza." This made everyone laugh.

Jake put the movie on and we started watching.


The movie finished and the credits began to scroll up the screen. Andy got up to flick the lights back on and turn the TV off, everyone adjusting to the sudden change in brightness and Mia and Sam untangling themselves from each other.

Since it was only half-past eight we decided to play Pictionary, Oscar and us girls against the other boys. After the first few rounds it was really close and it was clear that we could be playing this for quite a while before we had definite winners. As it turns out we are all really good at drawing and guessing because after round 15 there was only four points difference on the scores, we won of cause.

Once we had given up on Pictionary everyone decided that it was time to go home and get some sleep because we were all meeting up at the footy oval at eight in the morning to watch Jake's game. Bremin Bandicoots are currently third on the leader board and if they win this match they will be playing in the finals. Ellen stayed back to help Felix, Oscar and I clean up before she went home. Oscar went in to the house and Felix I got ready for bed as I was staying over and we were sleeping out in the retreat.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long I have been really busy with study and exams at school as it is my last year. I will do my best to update more frequently now that I have a bit of a break between exams.

Love you all,


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