10 | Good morning, sunshine

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Steph's P.O.V

I finish straightening my hair and check that I haven't forgotten anything; shower, uniform, breakfast, lunch money, brush teeth, makeup and hair, I list in my head. That's everything. I grab my bag and phone off my bed as I head down stairs. My phone dings in my hand, 1 message.

Felix: Good morning, sunshine 🌤. I'm here to walk my girl to school. 😘

I smile at my phone like an idiot as I walk into the kitchen and say goodbye to Mum and Luca. "Good luck with your presentation sweetie." Mum calls from the fridge. "I'm sure you and Felix will do just fine."

I walk out the door and Felix is waiting at the end of the driveway. I smile and give him a hug. "Sleep well?" He asks.

"Yeah, I guess. I've just been a little stressed about our presentation that's all. I'm not good with public speaking." I answer. "You?"

"Like a baby. I guess I'm not as stressed as you are." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and held me next to him.


I'm relieved that Felix doesn't know I'm lying, I'm fine with public speaking. It's Jake's grand final game tomorrow that I'm worried about, I think that's why I had the dream. I don't want to see Kaleb again, he's going to be such a dick, especially when he sees me with Felix. Kaleb just has to be team captain of the Goannas, doesn't he?

The lights flicker off and back on again, at least I'm the only one in the bathrooms. I stop the power surge by taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. This is what happens when I'm stressed or nervous, I temporarily lose control of my powers and they mess with the electricity. It's similar to when I get lost in happy thoughts and I make it snow without realising. Once I have regained full control of my powers I go to history for our presentation.


Felix walks me home after school to change for movie night at his place and get Luca so I'm not leaving him home alone. Mum is working late again. I put on my black skinny jeans, my favourite t-shirt and my black Vans. Grabbing my hoodie I go down to the living room where Felix is waiting. "Hurry up Luca. We're leaving." I shout walking to the front door.

We get back to Felix's and set up all the food and drinks while Luca picks the movie. Luca chooses Let's Be Cops. Luca and Oscar chat and Felix and I cuddle on the couch 'til everyone else arrives.

After the movie and dinner Luca and I head home around nine. I go straight up to my room and get ready for bed because of my early start in the morning. Getting sleep is going to be tough with the looming stress of seeing Kaleb at Jake's game. After almost two hours of thinking about positive things I finally drift off into my dreams.


I turn myself around as fast as I can to see Kaleb with a smirk on his face. "Why the bloody hell did you do that?" I scream at him.

"You can't go anywhere now. You have to stay with us." He chuckles.

"You think this is funny?! You drunken asshole! I told you, we are not going to steal a car, you prick!" I continue to scream, as I run back and start punching him.

"Hey! That's no way to speak to your boyfriend, missy." He scolds me grabbing my wrists to stop my punching. Meanwhile the alcohol has finally gotten to Lexi and she is throwing up in some nearby bushes.

The car alarm is still blaring at a deafeningly loud volume. I subtly use my powers to turn it off, the sound continuing to ring in my ears. The flashing red and blue of a police car reflects in a nearby shop window. Pushing Kaleb away and turning around I see the car pull up and two officers step out. Great someone called the cops on us, I think to myself as the officers approach us.

"Evening." The first officer says. "I'm Sargent Tom, and this is Constable Ryan. We've had a report that three teenagers were attempting to steal a car. Based on the callers descriptions those teenagers would be you three." He stopped briefly and watched Lexi as she was brought back over to us by the other officer. "Anything that you would like to say? Or should we just go straight to the station?"

"Just take us to the station. I can explain what happened when we get there." I answer the Sargent.

"No. we're not going anywhere. They can't make us do anything, we didn't steal the car." Kaleb protested.

"Shut up Kaleb, and just do as they say." I try to cooperate.

"Listen to your friend Kaleb, she's right." Constable Ryan says, taking Lexi and I over to the car. Kaleb still refusing and his anger growing.

Reluctantly, Kaleb finally gets into the police car and we go to the station.


The early morning sun shining through my bedroom window gives me a gentle awakening. The grand final game starts in a couple of hours so I get ready for the day and go down stairs for breakfast.

As I walk into the kitchen I am greeted by the smell of waffles and coffee. "Morning Mum. Morning Luca." I say cheerfully as I sit next to Luca at the breakfast bar.

"Morning my darling." Mum responds, putting a plate of waffles with ice cream and a mug of coffee in front of me. "Is Jake ready for the game later? Luca and I are going to come and watch too."

"I think so, he's been excited about it all month." I reply, shoving waffle into my mouth.


I may not be able to update for a couple of weeks because I'm going to Cambodia and I don't know when I will have wifi but I will still write the chapters and update when I get the chance.

Love you all,
Steph 😘

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