3 | Let's watch Love Actually

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It's been almost a week since I first moved to Bremin. The last week has been so fun, I have so many new friends and I'm settling into Bremin really well. I now have more friends then I've ever had. Sadly due to Luca's dad things are never made easy and we can never stay in the same town for more then a year or two before he and the family secrets catch up with us.

So far Bremin has felt more homely and welcoming then any of the other towns we have lived in, I have made friends with Felix and his brother Oscar, Andy, Jake, Sam and his girlfriend Mia, and I am yet to meet Ellen one of Felix's other friends.

Ellen has been sick with the chicken pox this week and hasn't been allowed to come to school but Felix says she is better and no longer contagious, so I will get to meet her soon, he reckons that we will get on well.

"Steph, did you hear me?" Felix says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh-um sorry, what?" I say as I come back to the real world.

"I asked you if you can come help me and Oscy carry all this food out to the retreat."

It was so cute how he called Oscar Oscy, I couldn't give Luca a nickname be cause there is no way to shorten it unless I called him Luke, but he doesn't like that, I called him Luke once when we were little and he didn't speak to me for a week. Sometimes I think of doing it to make him shut up when he annoys me.

I walked over to the kitchen bench and grabbed the bowl of popcorn and the two bottles of soft drink before following Felix and Oscar out the back door and into the retreat.

I was at Felix's helping to set up for the weekly movie night that the guys apparently have every Friday. The other boys, Mia and Ellen were coming around later and we were going to order pizza. Felix's parents were out at some poetry thing so it was just us, not that I had better stuff to do at home mum was at work and Luca was at his new friends Dontai and Dre's house.

"You get to pick the movie since this is your first movie night. It's my turn to pick, but I got to pick in Ellen's place last week when she was sick, so you can pick in my place this week." Felix said to me as he walked over and opened a huge cabinet full of DVDs.

"Ok. Cool, thanks!" I said walking over to the cabinet to see what my many choices were.

After about fifteen minutes I pulled out a DVD and took it back over to the lounge, placing it in Felix's lap as I sat down next to him. "Let's watch, Love Actually. I know it's supposed to be a Christmas movie, but it's great at anytime of the year and it's one of my favourites. It has Alan Rickman in it." I smiled at him.

"I know, it's one of my favourites to but if I choose it the others make fun of me." Felix smiled back at me with a slight chuckle.

We sat back on the couch and I flicked the TV on to a rerun of The Big Bang Theory on the Comedy Channel, no matter how many times you watch them or how many lines you have memorised they are always funny. We watched while we waited for the others to arrive at six o'clock.


I miss Alan Rickman, he was so amazing at what he did and his role as Snape in Harry Potter was played so perfectly. Some may forget about how amazing you were but you will 'always' be missed by me. 😚💕

This chapter is dedicated to Alan Rickman

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