5 | Jake's game

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Felix's P.O.V

Steph stayed over at my place last night as her mum was working and her brother was staying at his friends' which would've meant that she would be home alone.

I finish getting dressed and go over to the lounge Steph is sleeping on to wake her up. I sit on the edge next to her and wake her by rubbing my hand up and down her arm saying her name softly, "Steph. Come on it's time to get up, Jake's game starts in an hour." I whisper to her. Her groaning back at me in reply. "Steph, don't make me tickle you awake." I say softly as I start to tickle her gently.

"Ok, ok. I'm getting up." She says with a laugh and a smile. "Alright, I'm up." She gets up off the lounge and stretches with a yawn.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask, walking over to the little fridge I have set-up here in my retreat. I get out some yoghurt and a bottle of juice.

"Yes please. That would be great." She answers and I get out some muesli, two bowls and two glasses from the little cupboard next to my fridge.

"Can we stop by my place on the way to the game? I forgot to bring a change of clothes." She asks walking over to me as I hand her her muesli and juice.

"Yeah sure. Whatever you need." I say. As I sit down across from her to eat my breakfast I look at her and realise how beautiful she looks. Yeah she may have only just woken up and she has bed hair and isn't wearing any makeup, but she looks really beautiful. She is rocking the look that she has going on wearing one of my shirts that I lent to her to sleep in, even though it is a few sizes too big.

We both finished eating our breakfast and we headed to Jake's game stopping at Steph's house for her to change on the way.


Jake's game was great, Bremin Bandicoots won and are now 2nd on the leaderboard so they will be playing in the finals. We might be lucky enough to win the finals this year.

To celebrate the win and because it is mid-September and the weather is starting to warm up we decided to spend the afternoon at Ellen's in the pool and have a mini party. Well it won't really be a party it's just going to be the same group as we had for the movie night last night minus Oscar 'cause he has gone away with Mum and Dad for the weekend. We are just going to have fun swimming around in the pool and eating junk food while we listen to music.

"Ok, I think I have everything." Steph said walking down the stairs to her living room where I was waiting for her. "Sunscreen, towel, sunglasses, blow-up pool donut, phone and spare house key." She listed as she made sure that she had gotten everything. "I think we're right to go." She said giving me a smile as we walked out the door and headed off to Ellen's.

As we walked, me slightly behind her, I found myself thinking about how good she looks in what she is wearing. She's wearing some black denim short-shorts and a lacy white tank top over her bikini with a red plaid flannel tied around her waist. I couldn't help but notice how well the outfit suits her and how it compliments her shape and features.

'Where was all this coming from? Why was I thinking about all these things? Was I starting to get feelings for her?'


We arrive at Ellen's the same time as everyone else and walk around the back to her pool where Ellen already has the snacks and music set-up. Everyone takes off their clothes leaving their swimmers underneath and jumps into the pool.

I find myself, yet again, looking at Steph and admiring how gorgeous she is and how well her bikini goes with her beautifully tanned skin and her long, dark brown curls. I snap myself out of my daze jumping into the pool and joining the fun.


So Felix is starting to fall for Steph. What is he going to do? How will Steph deal with it? And how is Ellen going to react?

You'll just have to wait for the next chapter.

Love you all,
Steph 😘

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