Chapter 35 || Year 6

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Draco's POV-

I sat in my room waiting, my head in my hands, my heart pounding with nothing but fright. I couldn't control my thoughts - my head running wild with things I didn't even know I would even think of, just to distract myself, although I was failing miserably at doing so.

I heard a knock at my door which caused me to freeze, fear becoming the only emotion running through my body.

It was happening. The moment I knew was coming all holidays, all because my excuse of a father fucked up once again. I knew this would fuck me up for the rest of my life, but the only way to get out of it was to die, but I was too much of a coward to do that.

Then there was her.

The girl with the bushy brown hair and dark brown eyes. The girl who can pull you into her charm without her even realising it herself. The girl who is delicate and innocent, but an absolute warrior when it comes to fighting, both physically and mentally. The girl who dedicates everything to her two stupid sidekicks. The girl who is fighting on the opposite side of the war, risking her life everyday to fix the damage people like me cause.

People like me. People who know nothing but destruction. People who I want absolutely nothing to do with, yet that's the exact path I'm heading down.

The person standing at the door knocked again, only this time letting themselves into the room.

Standing there was my mother, her normally void of emotion face filled with worry; her blue eyes glossed with tears. She walked over to me, shutting the door as she made her way over, stopping when she was an arms distance away from me.

"It's time," She whispered.

I just nodded and began to walk out when my mother stopped me, placing both her hands on my shoulders.

"Draco," She whispered, "Promise me. Promise me you won't do anything stupid. Promise me you do what I planned. Just block out your thoughts and do what he says, nothing more or nothing less."

"I promise," I mumbled, my voice sounding hoarse.

My mother closed her eyes and re-opened them, her face becoming a mask of nothing. She grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me out of my room and through my manor until we reached the door of the room that would change everything.

She pushed open the door, revealing a black and grey room, everything about it screaming evil. And there, standing right in the middle of the room, was the man with the snake like face; his red eyes boring into my own.

"Ah, Draco," He drawled, "I was beginning to worry you'd forgotten,"

"No, My Lord," I spoke clearly, trying to keep my voice level.

I walked closer to him, trying my hardest not to flinch from his hard gaze.

"Arm," He demanded.

I put out my left arm, pulling up the sleeve of my black suit to my elbow. He placed his wand on my arm, pressing it into my skin.

I felt like screaming out in pain - all I could feel was a sensation of both fire and poison coursing through my body, especially in my arm. It lasted for a couple of minutes before the pain began to fade, and it was only then I decided to look down at the damage there, my whole body freezing as I saw the jet black skull with the moving snake.

The dark mark - a mark what people like her would be terrified of if they caught sight of it, yet it was what was now branded permanently onto my arm.

"My lord, if I may say, I think I suspected cowardice in him throughout that," Yaxley, a death eater who isn't fond of the Malfoy's, sneered.

"I agree with you, Yaxley. Perhaps he needs a little teaching," The Dark Lord smiled, showing his rotten, yellow teeth.

Before I knew what was happening though, my stomach and face felt like it was being punched and sliced all at once, before the pain traveled around my entire body. I let out a yelp of pain as I fell onto my knees, trying my hardest not to show weakness in front of the person who could kill me in a heartbeat without even having to think about it.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of what felt like having my body demolished, the curse was lifted, air finally filling up my lungs.

"Now Draco. Are you sure you will follow me and not betray me?" The most feared man asked.

"Yes, My Lord," I spoke, nodding my head.

"You may leave now," He said finally, turning around.

"Thank you, My Lord," I said clearly, but in the inside I was terrified.

I walked out of the room calmly, but as soon as I knew I was far away from that evil room, I sprinted back up to my own, slamming the door shut when I reached it. I leant my back up against the wall next to the door and slid down it, rubbing my hands over my face and leaving them in my hair, gripping it tightly.

All I could do was cry to myself, pathetic tears flowing freely down my always pale cheeks, knowing how I've lost every single chance of fucking redemption I may have once had.

And knowing how I had to keep my distance from the one person who changes me. The only person who can help having to be wiped from my life.

All whilst I was here by myself, alone.

Always alone.

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