Chapter 43 || Year 7

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Draco's POV-

I continued to convince myself that no one knew, and no one ever would, but I was beginning to doubt my reassurance. The way his snake-like eyes would remain on me so intently always shook my nerves; almost like he was reading my every thought with a blink of his eye.

We were all sitting around the long table filled with the inner circle of Death Eaters, my father on my left hand side, not saying a word; his eyes a dark grey and his face sallow. My mother was sitting next to him, her blue eyes staring down at her lap.

To say I was scared was an understatement - I was truly terrified. My eyes never left the unconscious body that floated above the table; the woman's body battered and bruised from the obvious torture.

I had been luckily enough to get out of torturing those who were held prisoner in my own house, but I could still always hear the loud screams and cries of those who were being tortured to the brink of death and insanity. But the worse was all the dead bodies I had to see, lying motionless and covered in their own blood, all thrown onto the floor carelessly, left there to die or to shove there after they've already been tortured and killed.

The endless nights of crying and jerking awake from nightmares never once stopped; always thinking myself pathetic for not being able to control my emotions. But then her voice always came into my head, telling me that I was only seventeen and that I shouldn't be seeing and experiencing the things I do, and how I'm still strong no matter what the other Death Eaters say. But even that doesn't help my broken trail of thoughts - nothing ever helps.

I jumped slightly when I saw the body my eyes never left from wake up from its unconscious state, struggling against the invisible bonds. I quickly averted my eyes from the woman I knew was a teacher and looked at the wall straight ahead of me, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"She is no niece of ours, my Lord," I heard my crazy bitch of an aunt explained desperately, "We - Narcissa and I - have never set eyes on our sister since she married the Mudblood. This brat has nothing to do with either of us, nor any beast that she marries."

That was when the man who destroyed everything turned to me, his scarlet eyes gazing upon me, trying to look me straight in my eyes but I refused to look away from the dark grey wall.

"What say you Draco?" He drawled out quietly, his voice somehow reaching across the table over the loud laughter, "Will you babysit the Cubs?"

I froze instantly, knowing the real meaning behind his words. I looked over at my father, absolute terror crossing through my body, but instead of looking back at me with anything to calm me down, he was looking down at his lap. It was my mother's eye that I caught though, and something about her soft stare and that small, almost imperceptible shake of her head told me not to respond, and to not do anything but return to what I was doing before.

The laughter soon died down as soon as everyone caught eye of the giant, angry snake. I soon ignored the rest of the conversation that he was having with the rest of his followers, not wanting to have any part in them whatsoever.

But that wasn't the main of my concerns. It was that once sentence that he said, especially the way he said it. All I could think was that there was no way he doesn't know; he knew I fell for the most wanted muggle-born. But the thing that irked me the most was why he wasn't acting upon his knowledge, and that gave me the slightest bit of hope that maybe he didn't know anything, and that the walls haven't been broken down yet.

"And you, Draco?" That voice that gives me chills asked softly, his evil flowing around the room.

I quickly shook my head no, too scared to answer, especially because I had no clue what the question was. But instead of pressing on the matter, he resumed speaking to the rest of the Death Eaters.

I just wanted to run away from this stupid manor, from this stupid country, just to escape all the evil; all the deaths and torture. And bring her with me, saving her from the danger I know she will be in until the war is over, and even after. I want us to be together, the most known Pureblood child and the most known and wanted Mudblood witch, defying all rules and be with each other without a care in the world. But of course reality always hurts like a bitch and is almost always the opposite of your dreams.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when everyone went quiet, and the only sound you could hear was his heavy, angry breathing and the hissing of his immortal snake. The Muggle studies teacher, Charity Burbage, had tears pouring from her eyes; her fate already plastered on every wall.

That was when he raised his wand, his eyes an even darker red than the scarlet they normally are; his face livid.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light illuminated every inch of the room as the once breathing body hit the table with a loud thud. Many of the Death Eaters jumped back in their chairs whilst I fell out of mine and onto the floor, my eyes never leaving the lifeless body.

I had to continuously tell myself in my head to not start crying and show any weakness as I saw that large, killing snake maul and eat away at the already dead body. I could feel the man's wicked stare on me, but I refused to crack.

In my head I knew that he was trying to break me down so he had a reason to kill me, but even then he could just kill me with a flick of his wand. And he could kill her; torture her, just like he did that teacher that my eyes never left, no regret filling his bones, and instead getting pleasure of seeing another Mudblood rid from the world.

That's when her face, those soft features and chocolate eyes that I fell in love with crossed my mind, startling me and making me freeze on the spot with my mouth agape. Only then did I look at the man who fucked up my life, finding him staring back at me with an evil and livid smirk on his face, his eyes seeing straight through me.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my blood run cold as I swore I heard his voice in my ear saying "I know traitor". I gulped and looked back at the dead body laying on the table.

But instead of seeing that old Hogwarts teacher lying on the table, all I saw was the brunette curls and the wide, lifeless brown orbs.

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