A/N this description is gonna be a cheesy one....
"I love you because you made me realize that you were what I needed. Even though I didn't know that I needed it."
❤️Credits to the owners of the pictures❤️
You kept a brisk pace while heading to the practice room so you were out of breath by the time you got there. You slowly opened the door and saw that the boys were playing some kind of game while in a circle on the ground. You cleared your throat.
You: I don't know about you guys, but this doesn't look like practicing to me. I COULD report you, you know.
The guys looked at Jimin, hoping he could reason with you to not be too angry and report their lack of work. He quickly got up an pulled you into a bear hug. You hated group hugs because you felt trapped and claustrophobic but you could already see the boys standing up to hug you and the panic set in your heart.
~~Jungkook's POV (whaaat?? I know I know)~~
I watched intently as Jimin got up and hugged MY Y/N. I felt my cheeks heating up and thought to myself. Jimin.... You said nothing was going on between you and Y/N when we asked you back at the dorm.. Were you lying? I know I'm not the only one with feelings for her. I don't even know if these are feelings.. I barely know her... But she's perfect. I'm fighting for her.... I got up and quickly turned the hug into a group hug.
~~Tae's POV~~
I didn't notice Jimin hugging Y/N until I saw Jungkookie-ah join them. Ohhhhh hellllll to the no. They aren't going to take her away from me. I hope I can win her over because I'm lovable TaeTae. The one she finds adorable. I ran over them and took the only spot available that allowed me to still be in contact with Y/N.
~~Hobi's POV~~
YES GROUP HUGGGGG!!!! As soon as Taehyung got up, I did and ran over to the cluster. No way I was letting them steal my girl.
~~Namjoon's POV~~ I saw the boys crushing Y/N and I realized that I could either save her or just enjoy the hug. I decided to go with the latter and walked over. Or at least tried to.... I tripped over Yoongi's legs and ended up face planting. Only Yoongi was paying attention and he kept, a cold, calm expression on his face. Hm, weird. I got up and dusted myself off to join the hug. Hopefully nobody noticed my flushed cheeks...
~~ Yoongi's POV ~~ (DUN DUN DUN)
They were hugging her. The girl that had been roaming my dreams for the past couple of nights. The girl that made my morning by just smiling at me. The girl that has a laugh thats like sugar... The perfect match. I'm not going to stand and watch them win her over. I stood up and pushed Namjoon and Hobi away from her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my own embrace. "Leave her alone" I growled. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable? I thought you, Jimin, would know better." I heard her murmur a small "Thank you" and I smiled. She was indeed cute. She quickly pulled away from me, causing me to frown, but I understood.
She cleared her throat and told us to start practicing or she'd add another hour. She was blushing furiously and it added to her cute element. I hated my feelings for her.
~~Your POV~~
You looked down at your phone as the heat in your cheeks started to go away. (Kat is bold, you are italic)
Soooo.... Something weird happened..
Kitty Kat: With the boys?😏😏 did ya get a smooch? xx
Not funny. It was seriously..weird ig
Kitty Kat: Explain..
So everyone was group hugging me and then Suga pulled me to his chest and kinda cuddled me? He told the others to leave me alone..
Kitty Kat: OOOOHHHHH GURL. It's either he's very protective of you for some weird reason orrr he liiiiikes you😆😝
NOT HELPING. Ugh I gotta go. Their practice is over.
Stop calling me that😒
Kitty Kat: xx love ya
Ugh kaaaaaaaat. She's no help. Could he really like you? He barely knows you... No, you sook your head. He was being nice and brotherly. You decided to text him while he was dancing to avoid the awkwardness...
You: Hey Min Stinky!! Thank you again for saving me out there. I really appreciate it<3
You put your phone away after looking at the time.
You: Alright children!! Big day tomorrow let's go home and have dinner so we can actually sleep early tonight!
The boys shuffled out of the practice room with rumbling tummies.
I'M SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED UGH IM A DWEEEB. I'm sorry I will be updating every day I prrrrromiseeee
❤️As always, have a pleasant day❤️
💗Love you all💗
Might be meeting the almighty Jinsus next chapter, I don't know yet.
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