A/N this description is gonna be a cheesy one....
"I love you because you made me realize that you were what I needed. Even though I didn't know that I needed it."
❤️Credits to the owners of the pictures❤️
You were watching a video on EXO vines with noodles stuffed in your mouth when your phone started vibrating, it was your alarm. #ThatNoFriendLife
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You turned off your alarm and slipped on a hoodie over your shirt. The door creaked quietly as it opened and you stepped out, not bothering to close it again. Tiptoeing up the stairs, you wondered if Jin would even actually show up. The breeze lightly hit your face as you stepped outside. You saw the familiar figure sitting in a chair, gazing up at the stars. He was eating ice cream with a large blanket around him.
You: Hey.
Jin: Why did it take you so long to say something? Admiring my beauty? I heard you come out.
You scoffed and sat on the ground next to him. He sat on the ground as well, offering you a spoon.
Jin: Ice cream? I heard it's supposed to help with heartbreak.
You smiled lightly.
You: I'm not heartbroken but I will take some ice cream.
You guys stayed in silence for a while until Jin asked you a question.
Jin: remember when you asked that one thing in the kitchen about how to tell if you really like someone?
You nodded, not looking away from the stars.
Jin: I do know. I don't know why I didn't say it before but would you like to know now?
You turned to face him.
You: Yes, please.
Jin: I'll tell you later.
You both laughed, as usual and went back to staring at the stars.
You: Hey, Jin?
Jin: Mmyes?
You: Why did you suddenly stop hating me?
He stayed quiet for a minute.
Jin: Because you were in pain. The kind of pain that I had felt before. Although I hated you, I couldn't see you suffer because of fake friends.
You nodded.
Jin: while we're on that subject thoughhhhh....
You groaned and covered your face.
Jin: I bought you time today but what're you gonna do about them? I think you know somewhere deep inside of you that you can't stay mad at Suga. You know he didn't mean to hurt you....
You didn't say anything for a while. You hadn't noticed that you were cold and shivering until Jin pulled you closer to him so he could wrap both of you in the blanket.
You: You're not an asshole.
Jin: No, but you are.
He giggled at his own joke and you blushed at his cuteness.
You: So are you gonna tell me?
He sighed and nodded.
Jin: The answer is no... If you really like somebody, they can do really bad things but that doesn't mean you stop loving them. You can try and hate them for what they did but the feelings come back. Every time... They find you.
The sudden response took you by surprise but also saddened you. He seemed to have been speaking from experience. Who could hurt him though? Who broke him so much that he has to push people away?
You: That girl's a douchebag. I won't hurt you, Jin.
~~~~~Jin's POV~~~~~
Oh, Y/N.... If only you knew that you already have....