Finding Linda

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Day of Jimin's departure.

Yesterday had been harsh. Both you and Jimin were holding each other throughout all of it. Jimin had also been in major grief since your parents had always loved and accepted him as their second son.

Jimin: Y/N-ah.

You: hm?

You looked up from the Kakao group chat with your friends Kat and Destiny.
He was looking at you with the goofiest smile on his face.

You: are you really that excited to leave me?

You shook your head, laughing.

Jimin: no, you lump!! YOU GET TO BE MY SLAVE

You: um I'll pass, bro

Jimin: NO LISTEN TO MEE. Remember the man that brought us the news??

He watched me excitedly as I slowly nodded, trying to process what he was getting at.

Jimin: He is the assistant and BigHit and did some background research on you and found out all about you! You get to be my assistant as well as the new group that I'm going to be in!!

Ok slow down. As creepy as this all is, I WONT BE AWAY FROM JIMINIEE.

You: I guess we're going to Korea then.

Jimin squealed like a girl and you just laughed as he pulled you into an embrace. You were so happy you could kiss him!


But you won't. Ever. Right?

****Magical Time Skip****

Wow you were really going to Seoul. This was incredible.

"Flight 97 now boarding"

You and Jimin got up and walked hand in hand towards the terminal.
You suddenly pulled your hand away.

Jimin: What's wrong?

You: Your hand is sweaty, you pig.

You both laughed and raced towards the gate, reminding you of when you were young and everything was so much easier.
You won the race and ignored his claims of him letting you win and handed the lady at the counter you ticket, panting heavily.
She let you pass and said "have a good flight" with a disgusted look.
You saw that her name tag said Linda and said "Why thank you Lindaa" and blew her a kiss.
You knew Jimin would catch up so you went inside to look for your seat.
You got situated in you seat and waiting for Jimin, who came in with a piece of paper in his hand.

you: Oooh what's that? A love note?

He scratched his head

Jimin: Um, kind of.

He handed you the paper and saw a phone number with "Linda ❤️" written in neat handwriting under it.

You suppressed a laugh, pursing your lips together but eventually you burst out laughing when Jimin looked at you.
You guys decided to call Linda up to mess with her a little for treating you so rudely. As you guys were fooling around, you didn't notice the that everyone was asleep and then someone turned around and stuck his face in between the seats.

Stranger: Hi!! I'm Taehyung!!

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Stranger: Hi!! I'm Taehyung!!

Jimin: Hii!! I'm Jimin and this is Y/N!

You stared at the stranger and suddenly became very shy. You gave him a small wave and looked away so he wouldn't notice you blushing a fierce red.

Taehyung: I actually am on my way to be a trainee for BigHit so can you guys keep it down a little, please? I'm trying to sleep. Thank you!!

You suddenly felt really tired. The exhaustion finally caught up to you.

Jimin: I am too!! And I'll hopefully see you there! Sleep is a good idea now. Nice meeting you!

And that was the last thing you remember before falling asleep on your best friend's shoulder.

Exciting huh. Ok have a fantastic day/night!

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