A/N this description is gonna be a cheesy one....
"I love you because you made me realize that you were what I needed. Even though I didn't know that I needed it."
❤️Credits to the owners of the pictures❤️
You sighed and got up from the couch with much struggle. You stood up and caught your breath.
I'm really out of shape...
You walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
You giddily scanned the contents of the fridge and settled upon some ice cream. You started singing because no one was home so fuck it, right?
You made your way to the couch and started watching Got7 on weekly idol. You are your ice cream and didn't notice when the door opened and someone stood right behind you.
Jungkook: You really are something else aren't you, Y/N?
You stood and instinctively threw the soupy ice cream in Jungkook's face. You covered your mouth with yiur hands as you ran to him.
You: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Kookie! Aish look what I've done to you... let me clean you up.
You grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen.
~~~~~Jungkook's POV~~~~~
Don't scare Y/N... noted.
The ice cream dribbled down from my face to the front of my shirt. I held her hand firmly in mine, scared to let her go. Also I couldn't see.
She sat me down in a chair and came back with a wet towel and a new shirt.
Oh this will be fun...
She blabbered on about how sorry she was and I shushed her. She really was too cute.
Me: Aish, I said it was okay.. You don't have to apologize, princess.
She looked confused and seemed to shrug it off. She nodded and kept wiping me down.
Y/N: I really am sorry, Jungkook-ah. But that'll teach you to not scare me.
She laughed and my heart skipped a beat. Her laugh was like sweet honey. It was like a sweet cocktail... I could get drunk off of that laugh.
She kept working and finally came the time.
Her smile was abruptly replaced by a raging blush.
Y/N: Um, um, Jungkookie... your shirt. I-I brought you this one.
I took the white shirt from her and she looked away, busying herself with the clean-up process. I took off my dirty white shirt and stood up. She must be thought I was done because she turned around and became wide-eyed as she saw my bare chest and abs. She quickly looked at the ground, blushing furiously.
I stepped towards her and grabbed her elbows.
Me: Look at me.
My heart raced.
What am I doing?
She looked up at me, her hands resting on my biceps.
She looked deeply into my eyes and I leaned in closer.
Me: I never told you what you owed me...
Y/N: Wh-what is it, kookie?
I smiled and rested my forehead on hers...
"A kiss."
Her eyes widened and the door burst open.
Jin hyung.
~~~~~Your POV ~~~~~
No no no no no no no
Jin stood there, staring at the scene in front of him.
You looked at him and you saw the look of hurt settle into his eyes.
You: J-jin... Baby it's not what it looks li-
He cut you off as the tears formed in his eyes.
Jin: Don't. Just... Don't. You promised you wouldnt hurt me. And I'm the idiot that believed you.
With that, he turned on his heel and went upstairs.
You tried to shake Jungkook off of you but he wouldnt let you go.
You: Jungkook!!! LET ME GO
You struggled in his grip again.
Jungkook: Princess... Don't you see? We got rid of him! We can be together now...
You lost it. You kneed Jungkook in the crotch and ran upstairs, leaving him doubled over in pain.
You ran to Jin' s room. He wasn't there. You knew exactly where he was.
You ran to the roof and your heart broke at the scene.
Jin was wrapped in one of your blankets, sobbing.
You hugged him as you say down next to him and he, surprisingly, didn't push you away.
You: Baby.. I wouldn't cheat on you.. please hear me out.
He calmed down enough so that he was silent. You took that as a gesture for you to continue and you proceeded to explain to him what had happened previously.
He stayed silent.
You wiped your tears and looked up to see him staring at you with red, puffy eyes.
Jin: Promise me. Promise me that's all that happened. Promise me you didn't do anything. Promise me it was innocent.
You reached up and rested a hand on his cheek, wiping a tear with your thumb.
Y/N: I swear.
He pulled you into a hug and murmured into your hair.
Jin: Don't scare me like that again, pabo. And stay away from Jungkook....
I love you.
You nodded, playing with the end of his shirt.
"I love you, Kim Seokjin."
Wowowowow VV LATE.
sorry sorry my babies. Author apologizes. A lot of things came up so ugh yeah fml.
Thank you all for the beautiful comments. They honestlybrighten my day so much. Thank you for making me happy.
I love you all. 사랑해요 <3
As always though,
Have a fantastic <baby> day ❤❤
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