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'Who did this to them?' a question, an emotion expressed towards the fact that a young girls idol has seen the worst and been near death, and her emotions scream - they don't and didn't deserve to feel like this.

Maybe my younger self would've thought the same, but now i'm aware that no one deserves to be a walking denial that reaches towards a knife that's staring at them, or the gun hidden in a drawer, or a crash, or a knot, or a pill.

But i've realised that it happens and not always for the better. It happens and some don't make it, some still try, some are glad to be alive.

But the idol you worship speaks their mind to help a walking denial that's about to jump in a hole of shards and broken promises, hoping they'll hear the last note in that song to make them stop and hang on.

No one deserves this, but we can't change the fact that some minds turn into a crazy suicidal head case, and then they make the best of it years later.


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