Lily's POV
Harry sits and waits for me to answer him.
"Lily, what the fuck is this?" He growls again, waving the letter and envelope around expectantly. "It's a letter." I say plainly, stating the obvious. Harry glares at me and sighs heavily. "I know it's a god damn fucking letter. Who sent you this letter?" He shoots and I smirk. "Santa Claus. Who signed there name at the bottom?" I say, sarcaism dripping off each word.
Harry gets off his bed, before standing up to his full height wincing slightly due to the small injuring he got not even an hour ago. He walks towards me until our chests are nearly touching. I look into his eyes and his usually bright green eyes, are dark and icy.
"Why the fuck is Derrick sending you notes?" He spits and I roll my eyes, breaking eye contact. "Why do you care?" I spat back and he lets out a heavy sigh, his frustration level clearly rising.
"I care because I don't want other guys sending notes to my girlfriend."
My eyes go wide at his words. Is he jealous?
Harry's eyes soften as he takes in my shocked expression. "I've never heard you say it like that before." I whisper and Harry smiles at me. "Why are you so surprised?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders looking down at my feet.
"I just wasn't expecting it from you." I instantly regret saying those 7 words. Harry's eyes go back to be dark and I can tell he's about to explode on me.
"What do you mean you weren't expecting something like that from me?!" He yells and I take a step back, increasing the distance between us. "You think that I'm a heartless bastard that wouldn't care if you were sleeping around, that wouldn't care about you, that wouldn't care if other men were doing things to you!" Harry screams before decreasing the space between us.
"Do you think I don't care?!" Harry screams at me and I can feel the tears start to well up in my eyes.
"I didn't mean it like that." I choke out and Harry rolls his eyes. "I'm sure you didn't." He spats and I back up again, my back soon hits the cold wall.
"If you don't think I care then I obviously wouldn't care if I did this." He brings his hand back and my eyes widen in fear. He wouldn't, would he?
Before I know it I'm on the ground, crying out in pain. The tears continue to run down my cheeks, no matter how hard I try to stop them. I hear the sound of the door slamming and a gasp fills the air.
"Harry! What did you do?!" Liam's voice fills the empty room, my sobbing the only other thing to be heard. Harry lets out a bitter laugh. "She had it coming." Is all he says and that's when I loose it.
"You know what Harry. If I had coming then why didn't you stop me. You know how I am so you could've stopped me. Obviously you don't care about me, you never cared." I spit at him and I begin to grab my things, throwing them into my suitcases.
"What are you doing?" Liam asks me, trying to stop me from packing. "I'm not wanted so I'm leaving." I state clearly, grabbing my phone and sending my mom a text.
I'm feeling really sick, can you come pick me up
I know it's a lame excuse but it's all I got. She replies saying she'll be there in an hour and I smile. She always come through for me.
"Lily, you can't leave." Liam tries to convince me. "To bad Liam, I'm not wanted so I'm leaving. I can get a jump start on next terms classes." Liam sighs.
"Fine, leave. But I know you'll come back." I roll my eyes. "Whatever you say."
30 minutes later I get a phone call from my dad.
"Hello dad." I answer and I can tell by the sound of my dad's voice he's been crying. "Lily. We won't be able to pick you up sweety, I'm sorry. Your mom got in a car accident and is in the hospital. Hang in there sweetheart." The line goes dead and I sigh.
Liam looks at me curiously and I glare at him.
"I don't know how, but you had something to do with this." I motion to my phone and he smiles at me mischievously. "Let me guess, you're staying." His tone holds a hint of knowing. "Yes." I mumble and he smiles. "Now let's unpack you stuff." When he says that the door opens and I see Harry step inside.
"I thought you were leaving." He snaps at me and I shake my head. "My mom got in an accident so I'm stuck here." He sighs. "Whatever." He mumbles before flopping down on his bed.
This is going to be a long couple of weeks.
Hey guys! Comment, vote and fan me pretty please. I'd love some feedback.
-S. M

Seeing You Again
FanfictionAfter all the drama of summer camp and all the tension at home Lily was looking forward to going to winter camp. She never thought she would see Harry again, never did she think they'd meet again exactly where they met the first time; at camp. (Firs...