Chapter 12

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Lily's POV

That evening in the cabin is super awkward. I don't know what to make of what Harry told me earlier.

Do I forgive him? Do we go back to how we were before? What about Jon? Are Jon and I so something?

I'm so confused!!!

A knock on the cabin door catches our attention. Getting up rom his spot on his bed Zayn answers the door. Standing outside is Natasha and Peighton. Smiling they come inside, completely oblivious to what's going on.

"Who died in here?" Peighton asks. "It's way to quiet." Rolling his eyes Harry flops down on the bed underneath mine. I try to concentrate on my book while the other couples talk but I can't focus for the life of me.

"We need to do something to get this cabins vibe up." Nikita says and I can't help but smile at her wording. "Truth or Dare!!" Louis shouts and I groan internally.

The others gather around in a circle, including Harry.

"I know you heard me Lily pad. I'll give you 5 seconds to get your butt down here or I will drag it down here." Louis says in his sassiest voice. I roll my eyes. "I don't want to play." I state and he rolls his eyes. "Guess I'm dragging you down." Louis says.

Before I know it his cold hand clamps around my ankle. Squealing I do my book next to me on the bed. Louis begins to drag me closer to him. Try as I might I can't fight Louis's hold, especially when Liam and Zayn are helping drag me down.

Sitting cross legged on the floor I huff, folding my arms across my chest. "I hope your happy." I snap and Louis nods his head. "Very happy indeed." He answers before grabbing a bottle.

"Where'd you get the beer bottle?" I ask and he smirks at me. "I have my ways." He says and I shake my head.

The bottle lands on Niall or Harry. Louis taps his chin with his finger, pretending to think about which of the two he's going to ask.

"Niall, truth or dare?" He asks and Niall who's obviously trying to show off for Nikita chooses dare. "I dare you to eat a chunk of soap." Louis says and I scrunch my face up in disgust. Niall simply shrugs. "It's not the worst thing you've ever dead me to do." Walking off to the bathroom Niall returns with the pump soap. "I couldn't find a bar." He says sheepishly.

I have to admit that it wasn't a bad idea. Nothing awful happened and I was actually enjoying myself.

"I'm getting some water. I'll be back in a few." Grabbing my coat the others respond with a chorus of 'okays' not seeming fazed at all.

Stepping outside into the cold evening air I smile to myself. Deciding to take the long way to the mess hall I begin to walk. The only sound filling the silent evening is the sound of the snow crunching underneath my feet.

"It's not good for little girls to walking around alone." A voice says from off to my right and I freeze. "Who are you?" I ask trying to sound as brave as I could, but my voice falters a bit.

From the shadows a figure emerges and I sigh in relief.

Only Jon.

"You scared me." I hit his arm playfully and he smirks. "Where are you off to darling?" He asks and I smile at him. "To fetch a glass of water. Care to join me?" I ask and he nods his head. "I'd love to."

Walking into the mess hall we're the only living things int the entire building. The lights are off and it's deadly silent. Finding a light switch, Jon flicks it on.

The mess hall becomes bright and I squint my eyes due to the sudden change in lighting.

"To the kitchen!" I yell after my eyes adjust to the light. "To the kitchen!" Jon hollers before running towards the kitchen. Laughing I run after him.

Stopping in the doorway if the kitchen I shush Jon.

"Do you hear that?" I ask and he strains his head before nodding. "What is that?" He whispers and I shrug my shoulders.

Quietly we make our way to the end of the hallway. Heating scuttling and the sound of nails on the hardwood floor I start to get disturbing images in my head.

"You can look." I whisper and Jon just nods his head.

Pushing the door open slightly Jon's face contorts into one of disgust. I knew it was going to be something gross. Shutting the door quickly Jon looks at me.

"I have to go burn my eyes." Jon whispers, walking down the hallway towards the door.

"I'm not even going to look." I whisper, walking back to the kitchen.

Grabbing my glass of water I begin to walk towards the door when an all to familiar figure steps in front of me.


"Harry, what are you doing?" I ask him and he ruffles some melting snowflakes out of his curls. "We need to talk, just the two of us." I sigh and he looks at me with pleading eyes. "You've got 5 minutes." I hop up into the counter, setting my glass down beside me.

Taking a deep breath Harry begins to explain.

"I never realized how much I need you until you weren't mine anymore. I thought because I had Jenny thy was enough but it wasn't. Seeing Jon and his clan drooling all over you made me realize even more how much I miss you. You know what they say, you never know what you have until its gone. I never knew how much I love you until I almost lost you forever."

I look at Harry who's staring at me hopefully. Tears making his eyes look glossy.

"What do you say Lily? Three times the charm?" Harry says and I think for a moment. Sighing I jump down from the counter.

"If I say yes will you understand this your last chance. I won't give you other chance after this?" He nods his head. "I guess we could give it once last try." I say and he smiles widely at me. "Really?" He says and I nod my head. "Really." I kiss his cheek before grabbing my glass of water from the counter.

"Let's get going. The other probably think I'm dead or something." Harry grabs my free hand, intertwining our fingers together.

Walking through the mess hall doors and out into the chilly air I can't help but wonder if I made the right choice.

As we walk I hear a gasp from behind us and I see Jon standing there, staring at us like all happiness has now been sucked out of the world.

"No." Is all that escapes his lips before he bolts towards his cabin.


Hey guys!!!! I hope this was exciting and eventful. Please comment your thoughts on this chapter and as the series as a whole. I'm sorry if I don't read your comments. You guys should know my kik by now or inbox me if you have any questions. Votes are always nice. New fans are always exciting too. Thanks guys for reading and please tell me what you think. Thx.


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