Chapter 6: Seek

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You slowly rose to your feet, dusting the snow from your clothes. You only had one goal now; find the one who did this. You weren't sure how you were going to pull it off, but you had to. You felt your heart pound with determination, the sensation practically surrounding you like a fiery aura. You were going to clear your name, no matter what. Whoever did this was not going to get away with it!

You ran all the way to the river, seeking out the River Person. They were in their usual place, humming to themselves. You hopped onto their boat, asking them to take you to Hotlands.

"Certainly." They replied cheerfully. The boat began to move forward at once. "Dum dee dum..." The River Person sang. "You have been visiting Hotlands a lot lately. How interesting..."

You impatiently looked around as the two of you traveled through the Underground, not paying attention to what your transporter was saying.

"Dee dee dum..." The River Person continued to sing. "A jealous SOUL is not themselves..."

You tensed, looking up at the River person. What were they singing about?

"Dum dee dum...Eat a mushroom every day..."

Still confused, you shook your head. You had much more important matters to be concerned about.

The two of you soon arrived in Hotlands. You quickly hopped off the boat, more than ready to begin your search.

"Come back anytime." The River Person cooed. "Dee dum dee..."

You waved your thanks without looking back, running off.

You made your way to the place where the spider bake sale stand was. Well, where it normally was. There was nothing there now.

Your shoulders sulked a little. There were no clues for you to go off of.

Then a thought struck you. Vulkin!

Vulkin had seen it all! All you had to do was find the Vulkin that had witnessed the incident. Maybe he could remember more if prompted correctly.

You began to wander Hotlands, calling out for Vulkin. You questioned many of his relatives before finally finding the Vulkin you were looking for.

"What happened with the spiders?" Vulkin echoed your question. He seemed hesitant to speak on the matter. "W-Why do you ask?"

You paused. How were you supposed to answer? You didn't want to tell him that you were framed, and you most certainly didn't want to talk about what had happened between you and Muffet.

After thinking for a bit, you decided on an answer.

"You want to confront them? Well, I don't think I can help you too much..."

You decided to start asking specific questions.

"How tall were they? Uhm, maybe a little taller than you?" Vulkin answered. "Or, maybe a lot...They were far away..."

You tried to be patient. It was clear he was trying as hard as he could to remember.

"What were they wearing? Well, I think it had some yellow on it..." He tapped the ground with his front foot.

That still wasn't much to go by, but it was clear Vulkin really didn't know much more.

"Did they have a weapon? Oh, uh...I think I saw something shiny in their hand. But, that could have been anything." He looked down. "L-Look, I'm really sorry, but, I didn't get a good look at them. I only saw them running away. I don't even know if what I thought I saw is what I saw."

You sighed, deciding that Vulkin had given you all the information he knew. You thanked him and went on your way.

You returned to where the stand used to be. You sighed again. This was going to be much harder than you originally thought.

You stood there, contemplating your next move. Someone taller than you, either by a little or by a lot, with yellow on their outfit and armed with a shiny object...

As you pondered your very limited information, you heard footsteps from behind.

You turned to see a figure frozen just a short distance away. They didn't move. They just stared at you for the moment that seemed to take an hour to pass.

Before you could say anything, they took off in the direction they had come from. Before they disappeared, you caught traces of yellow on their body.

Without taking time to think, you chased after them. This had to be the culprit, why else would they react to seeing you in such a way?

They remained a good distance from you, too far for you to make out any helpful details. You kept running, but they ran faster. The gap between you wasn't growing or shrinking.

You chased them all the way to the elevator. Before you could catch up, the doors slammed shut.

You pounded on the metal doors, as if that would help you get to them faster. You yelled at them as if they could hear you, asking them who they were, why they did this, what they wanted. You punched and kicked the door until it signaled that the elevator had returned.

Practically punching the button, you squeezed through the doors before they were fully open. You paced around the elevator, praying for it to move faster.

The doors shut and you began to move down. You weren't sure which level you were going to and you didn't care. You were going to find this monster and you were going to give them a piece of your mind!

You stopped pacing, deciding it would be best for you to save your energy for the chase.

Then, the elevator trembled slightly.

The lights flickered.

It shook a bit more.

The lights blinked off and on a few times.

Suddenly everything came to a screeching halt, causing you to fall over.

The lights went out.

You slowly stood up, looking around in the darkness.

It only took you a second to realize what had happened.

The power had been cut off.

You were stuck.

Despite being trapped in darkness, your determination shines brightly.

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