Chapter 10: Bravery

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The two of you ran for a good while before slowing to a walk.

Vulkin looked like he wanted to say something, but was unsure.

You asked him if something was wrong.

He hesitated. "A-Are you going to tell Muffet? About that guy, and...About me?"

You slowed your pace. You were so excited and relieved to have escaped, you hadn't thought about what you would do to fix things with Muffet. Naturally you were going to tell her every disgusting detail about cat man, but...What about Vulkin?

He had lied to Muffet and to you. Granted, he had had a justified reason, but would Muffet understand? She was so hurt by this whole thing, would she be angry with Vulkin for lying about something so serious as a couple of her spiders being murdered over jealousy?

You sighed, shaking your head and telling him you didn't know.

He stopped walking entirely. You stopped as well, turning back to face him.

Tears began to collect at the edges of his eyes. "Muffet w-will never forgive me..."

You quickly knelt down in front of him, placing one hand on the side of his face. You confidently told him that everything would work out. That Muffet would forgive him, and that cat man would get what he deserved.

The little monster sniffled. He didn't seem too sure.

You pulled him into a hug, telling him again that everything would be alright.

He sniffled some more, snuggling close to you.

You both stayed like that for a while.

"Well, isn't that sweet?"

The voice sent a cold dagger into your spine. You looked toward the voice, terror grabbing you and threatening to choke the breath right out of you.

Cat man stood there with his arms crossed, smirking at the two of you. Your fear only increased when you saw he was armed with the same tool that assisted in your escape.

Vulkin quickly pulled away, turning and gasping loudly at the sight of cat man. He quickly scuttled behind you.

"Oh, don't mind me. Go ahead and continue your little moment. I'm in no hurry..."

He had gone even crazier. Had he lost himself for good this time? You could only stare with horror.

"That old door slams shut if you don't close it yourself." Cat man explained. "It could wake up a monster halfway to Waterfall."

You gulped. You two had been so careful. To think that one slip up at the last possible moment caused you to be discovered. You glanced around. You were still in no-monster's land. There wasn't a soul to be seen. Just your luck.

Cat man chuckled darkly. "Now look where you two have gotten yourselves...Had you just stayed, you wouldn't have to die now."

Vulkin winced behind you. You put your hand in front of him, glaring at cat man. You told him that he was disgusting for dragging Vulkin into this mess.

"Tell me something I don't know." He said with a shrug, laughing.

You growled between grit teeth.

"If Vulkin didn't know so much, I'd offer to let him go..." He chuckled again. "But, I think we know I can't do that now."

You clenched your fist, ready to fight if cat man moved an inch.

"Now...How about you two just come home?"

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