Chapter 12b: Threaten

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You stared at cat man, occasionally glancing at the knife in your hand.

"Do it." Cat man dared you. "Do it, I dare you! You won't do it! You're a coward!"

You hesitated, at a loss. You didn't want to hurt him, but what choice did you have? He would pursue you until one of you dropped dead. You refused to outright attack, but what if he came at you? Would you defend yourself and risk ending this fight with dust covering your clothes?

You snapped from your daze. You slowly rose the knife, pointing the blade at him. You told him this fight needed to end. You told him to stay away from you, to run and not come back. You hoped his sanity was not completely gone.

Cat man stared at the weapon for a moment before turning his attention back to you. The corners of his mouth twisted back into his maniacal grin. "You don't scare me! Your threats are empty!"

You felt a hint of doubt creep into your mind. He could see through you. He knew you would do anything to prevent having to hurt him. Your confidence began to slip away.

Then, without warning, he lunged at you.

You closed your eyes tightly, the knife still out and pointed at him. His weight was suddenly on top of you.

There was a grunt, then silence.

You opened your eyes, gasping at the sight.

The knife was lodged in his chest, his eyes wide as he stared down at you.

It was over.

Insanity left its host, leaving behind the nervous monster you had almost forgotten existed. He looked at the knife, then at you, desperation and fear in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to frantically scream with fear while simultaneously cry in pain.

But, he said nothing.

His fear melted away, a genuine smile spreading across his face.

Before either of you could speak, he gave up. He leaned, and before he could even hit the ground, his body crumpled, turning into dust.

You stared where he had been just a moment ago, too shocked to move, too dumbfounded to think.

After a few moments of silence, you managed to regain your senses, scrambling to your feet and backing away. You gingerly brushed the bit of dust off of your clothes, as if it still had feelings.

"(y/n)!" A voice called from behind.

You turned, the sight of voice's owner replacing all of the exhaustion in your body with an overwhelming sense of relief.

It was Muffet.

Muffet approached you quickly, studying your various injuries. To your shock, she hugged you close, so tight you almost winced with pain.

After a few moments of embrace, she released you. She offered you a spider donut.

You all too eagerly accepted the donut, greedily shoving it into your mouth. Your wounds disappeared and energy came flooding back into your body.

Once you had been healed, Muffet, looked at you with great concern. "What happened?" She asked, genuine worry in her tone.

You were about to answer when you tensed, looking around frantically. You spotted a figure on the ground in the distance. You cried out for Vulkin, running to him.

Muffet watched you take off. She followed you, until she saw what you had your sights on. She stopped, staring.

You fell to your knees beside Vulkin, who was whimpering with pain and breathing heavily, as if this next gasp could be his last.

You told him to stay calm, that everything would be okay. He just needed to hang on a bit longer.

"I..." He managed to whisper. You had to lean in to listen.

"I-I'm sorry...This was all my fault..."

You quickly shook your head, denying his accusation. You desperately reassured him that this was not his fault and that you didn't blame him.

His breathing slowed, but he smiled.

Was this...The end?

Yeesh. Lots of people chose fight. No love for cat man.
Guess I made a good villain :P
Sorry the choices don't have a huge impact on the story's outcome. This is my first branching story so I am taking it easy.
But, I hope you enjoyed regardless!

((The following chapter are some alternate endings for chapter 12. The story will advance in chapter 13))

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