Chapter 14: Bitten

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You and Muffet said goodbye to Vulkin as the little monster went on his way. With cat man gone, he seemed much happier, like the Underground itself had been lifted off his shoulders.

Muffet looked at you. She seemed exhausted, yet she smiled warmly. "Care for something to eat?" She asked. "My treat, of course~"

Anything other than fighting for your life sounded marvelous right about now. You quickly nodded, following Muffet as she turned to lead the way back to her home.

The tension in the spider parlor had not yet faded. The spiders that had not accompanied Muffet glared at you as you entered.

"Everyone," Muffet called. "(y/n) is not our enemy."

Confusion was added to the tension as all gazes shifted to Muffet.

"They were framed, and the monster who was truly responsible has been dealt with."

The confused tension faded.

"We..." She paused, then sighed. "I, should have had more faith." She looked at you, smiling. "(y/n) is a friend to spiders, and I had no reason to doubt them other than my own fear."

You looked at Muffet, suddenly concerned. You questioned her words.

Muffet slowly shook her head. "I had given up on anyone trying to understand us." She explained. "That others may be friendly toward us, but they would never want to be friends with us."

You suddenly recalled the conversation you had had with Muffet (chapter 4, dearies), the last time you had talked with her before the incident that nearly tore her away from you forever.
You remembered the pain in her eyes, and the gratitude in her voice. Cat man's actions suddenly had a brighter, more haunting light to them. Muffet had just poured her heart out to you right before the chaos. She had left herself vulnerable, and to her knowledge beforehand, you had rejected her feelings.
Realization hit you like a brick as your heart shattered into mere splinters. You realized just how hurt she must have felt to hear Vulkin relay what he had "seen" happen to her. Her coldness toward you suddenly felt like an under reaction. She should have killed you right then and there for what she had thought you had done. Why hadn't she..? You could only think of one explanation.

She had feelings for you, too.

Muffet snapped her fingers in front of your face, snapping you awake.

"Are you okay, dearie?" She questioned. "You seemed lost in the dark."

You looked for words to say. Before anything else could happen, before anyone else could ruin this, you had to tell her. You had to tell Muffet how you felt.

Taking a deep breath, you began to express your feelings for Muffet. You told her how you had felt the day she opened herself up to you, how you had felt honored to be the one to break the barrier between spiders and the rest of the world. You told her how you had enjoyed spending time here, spending time talking to her, how you had enjoyed spending time with her. You told her that the reason you had suddenly disappeared was because you wanted to take time to truly decide on how you felt about her.

Muffet was stunned, unable to speak even if she wanted to.

"A-And now..." You stuttered. "I'm sure how I feel..." You slowly reached out for a pair of her hands, your heart pumping so hard you thought it might beat out of your chest. You were so afraid she was going to pull her hands away, that you had read her wrong. That your feelings...Were just yours.

Muffet stared at you. Her hands did not move away as yours gently took them. In fact, her grip tightened a little, accepting your hands.

You took a silent, shaky breath.

"I love you, Muffet."

There was only silence. It was as if reality itself had stopped, allowing the moment to sink in for everyone who was a witness.

You heard a small, distant noise to your side. Slowly, the sound began to grow. It was the melody you and Muffet had danced to before. Only...Slower, more emotional and heartfelt.

Muffet's shocked gaze slowly turned to a warm smile. She gently pulled you closer, repositioning both of you. Guiding you right along with her, she slowly began to dance.

As the lovely melody traveled like a calm breeze throughout the spider parlor, the two of you danced. You had no idea how you were doing any of the steps, even with Muffet being there to guide your feet.

You felt your stomach twist in knots. Your face burned as if you had just had Grillby grab your cheeks. And yet, you almost felt like you were flying.

In this moment...It was just you and Muffet. Even the beautiful spider music seemed to fade as you gazed at your dance partner.

Muffet simply smiled calmly at you.

You kept dancing, eventually not requiring Muffet's guidance any longer.

The two of you danced as equal partners, enjoying each other's company.

The music slowed and softened. The song was drawing to an end.

Suddenly getting a burst of confidence, you took the lead of the dance.

Just as the music faded, you dipped Muffet back.

The two of you gazed into each other's eyes.

You were suddenly stunned, unable to do anything.

Muffet placed a hand on the side of your face.

Faster than you could react, yet not very quickly at all, she pulled you into a kiss.

You tensed, but only for a moment. You did not pull away, letting the spider bite sink in.

After several moments, the two of you separated. Only now were you aware of the spiders happily cheering for their queen.

You and Muffet stood up straight, gazing around at the crowd of joyful arachnids as they expressed their overwhelming approval for Muffet's match.

Muffet finally looked to you, her warm smile somehow calming your soaring heart.

"Care for some tea?" She asked sweetly.

Love is the sweetest pastry of all. Stay determined.

And there you have it! Care for Some Tea has come to an end!
I hope you all enjoyed this story! It was quite the project! I enjoyed writing it!
Will this have a sequel? Well...Who knows? ;)
Until then!
There will be more works after this one, so I hope you all stick around! ;)

Thank you all for reading, and a HUGE shoutout to everyone who followed this story from beginning to end! (You are the real MVPs for putting up with all my hiatus-ness ;-; ) I really appreciate it, and it inspires me to want to write more! :D

Until next time, dearies
Stay determined!

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