Chapter 13b: Forgiveness

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You called for Muffet.

She quickly came over.

You frantically asked her for help, trying not to lose it as you did so. Your eyes burned with desperate tears as you practically blubbered your plea.

Muffet nodded, apparently understanding enough to get a grasp on the situation. She knelt by Vulkin. She offered him a small cup of spider cider. "Drink up, dearie." She instructed, holding the cup to his mouth.

Vulkin weakly sipped at the cider. His wound was healed and he began to breathe easier.

You breathed a sigh of relief, wiping away your tears. You felt a slight sting of embarrassment for acting the way you did, seeing as the solution was so simple.

After a few moments, Vulkin managed to get to his feet. "Th-Thank you, Miss Muffet..." He thanked timidly. He tensed, looking around. "W-Where is-?!"

You gently placed your hand on Vulkin, slowly shaking your head.

Vulkin blinked. He didn't know what to say.

Muffet looked between the two of you, confused. "What happened?" She reiterated her question.

You glanced at Vulkin, taking a shaky breath. You exhaled slowly, beginning to walk.

Confused, Muffet followed you. Vulkin remained where he was, still in shock.

You led Muffet toward the pile of dust. You stopped a few paces from it, staring at it blankly. It still hadn't fully registered with you. You had done it...Cat man was dead, and you were the one who had wielded the weapon against him. You tried to reassure yourself that it wasn't your fault, but you still felt a slight guilt. Directly or indirectly, you had still been the cause of another living being's death.

The smile cat man had had on his face for his final moments flashed in your mind, causing you to shudder.

"(y/n)?" Muffet questioned as she stopped beside you. She followed your gaze, tensing at the sight of a monster's remains. "(y...y/n..?) What-?"

You interrupted her question. You told her that you had killed a monster.

She looked at you in utter disbelief.

You quickly began to explain, knowing she would demand more information.

You tried to explain the entire ordeal as calmly and in as much detail as you could manage. About the original attack, how you had had no idea it had even taken place. About how you had gone in search of answers.

As you explained, Vulkin sheepishly approached.

Muffet glared harshly at him, the shock making her anger with him almost out of character.

You quickly defended Vulkin, saying she should not be upset with him.

Muffet relaxed her glare, but only a little. She turned her attention back to you.

You continued to explain, telling her about how another monster had attacked and kidnapped you. You explained how he had threatened Vulkin to lie to anyone who asked about what had happened...or else.

Muffet's anger left, leaving her only shocked and confused now. She shot an apologetic glance at Vulkin.

You kept going, finally getting to the bottom of everything. You told her who the monster was and, as carefully but honestly as possible, you explained his true motive...His feelings for Muffet.

Muffet's eyes widened. She glanced at the ashes in disbelief for a few moments before turning her shocked gaze back to you.

You then told her about what had just gone down, the fight and how cat man had practically lost his mind. How you had tried to turn him away, but he would not listen. How he had attacked...And died.

Muffet said nothing. Her expression was unreadable, making you anxious. Was she afraid of you because you had killed someone? Your heart sank. Would she...Not want to see you anymore?

She walked passed you, kneeling down by the dust. She pulled out a spider donut, gently reaching down and grabbing some of cat man's remains and gently sprinkling them on the pastry.

"Thank you for your business." She whispered. You could not read her tone. You weren't sure how she was feeling.

She set the donut down and slowly rose back up. She turned to Vulkin, whom whimpered. She approached him and leaned down, offering him a croissant. She smiled sweetly at him. "On the house, dearie~"

Vulkin was shocked. After a few moments, he thanked Muffet, eating the offering.

Muffet turned back to you. Her expression changed to one of sadness.

You felt a sting in your chest.

"(y/n)..." She began. She shook her head slowly. "There is no excuse for the way I treated you..."

The words felt like a knife through the heart. You tripped all over yourself, trying to stutter a reassurance to her. You did not blame her at all, not for anything.

Muffet's expression did not change.

The look of guilt on her face was almost too much for you to bear. You begged her not to blame herself, trying to convince her that her reaction was completely understandable given the circumstances.

She shook her head again. "I should have had more faith in you." She said. "You gave me every reason to trust you...And I still turned on you the very moment there was a hint of doubt."

You shook your head, trying again to reassure her.

"Because of me, you had to-"

She stopped.

You had cut her off with a tight hug. You could not bear to look at her sad face, you could not bear to hear her blame herself...You could not bear seeing Muffet in pain.

You felt her arms slowly wrap around you, all six of them. They hugged you tightly back.

Neither of you said another word, as if any sort of sound would rip the two of you apart forever.

This moment...Fills you with determination.

Sorry again for making you all wait for so long ;-;
School is a pain.

I HOPE to finish this story before the end of 2016. I hope you all are as excited for the ending as I am!

Author note: I kinda feel like Muffet is a little OOC (out of character) in these chapters (both chapter 13s)
But, I wasn't really sure what else to do. She doesn't have a lot of screen time in the game for us to get a true grasp on who she is. I'd like to think she has SOME emotion.
I tried ;-;

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