The Announcement

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Hermione's POV

When the train came to a stop, Draco helped me get my luggage and we got off the train. " thanks Draco. " I said grinning at him. " No Problem, Hermione " Draco said looking for someone. " Hey there, Mione! " someone said hugging me. " Hi gin, so how was your ride with Zabini? Did you love it? " I said teasing her. " actually Hermione, Blaise and I became friends, please don't get mad! " Ginny said giving me puppy eyes. " I'm not mad Ginny, I made a friend myself.... " I said looking in direction to see Draco with Blaise. " that great!! So did you two do anything? " gin asked with fear. " no, we just talk that all and you? " I asked. " we just talked too. He's a nice guy when you get to know him better. " gin said with a blush. " yeah, same here for Draco.... " I said realizing I said Draco in front of my best friend. " D-Draco ?? " Ginny said with a smirk. " We agreed that we drop the whole last name basis, did you guys ? " I said explained with more detail. " yeah we drop the last name basis too " gin said in relief that I accepted and I was relief she accepted back.

Blaise's POV

" So..... How did it go, lover boy? I said teasing Draco. " It went well, Cupid, and you with Weaselette? Malfoy teased back. " it went well too, so do you think we can actually pull this off? " I said looking at him. " we have to tell them sooner or later. " Draco said shaking his head.

As we entered the Great Hall, everyone settled into their house's table. Everyone started talking about their summer and other boring stuff.

Professor Mcgonagall's POV

As I walked into the Great Hall, everyone got quiet immediately. I walked up to the professor's table and faced the students. " Everyone that is not in seventh year, please continue to eat quietly. " I started. " As you know seventh year, we had made a few changes and we would want you to be informed " I said staring at students. " This year there will be no more common rooms instead you will be sharing a living and four bedrooms, two for boys and two for girls. The four students may be in other houses and we want you to be friends this year. You guys may have the same classes together and will have your own table area. Today, will be your last day with your house and tomorrow there will be a paper telling you what room number your in, who your going to be with, and what floor it will be in. I hope each and everyone of you be will nice or there will be consequences. Have a great evening everyone. " I finished out of breath and headed for my sit. As I sat down every student talked at once.

Love Comes In Many Form [ Dramione, Blinny ]Where stories live. Discover now