Best First Day

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Hermione's POV

I had woken up from my slumber with dry tears on my cheeks. " Uhk.... What happen last night? " I said aloud. " oh you finally awoken, how are you? " Ginny said to me as she entered the room. " I'm fine, why? " I asked. " well, last night your lover.... " gin started as I interrupted her. " who's my lover? " I said eyeing her. " Malfoy. " Ginny said casually. " anyway, he'd carried you here bridal style and said you were crying.... " Gin said looking at me with concern. " Was it Ron? " she asked sitting next to me. Tears started forming in my eyes as I had a flashback at what happened [ Worst Last Day ]. " Ron..... of all people, called ME, his best friend since 1st year, a M-MUDBLOOD!!! I shouted as tears rolled down my cheek. The tears burned like lava, it hurt thinking about what Ron and me had been through. " That bloody bastard brother of mine better watch what he is saying, because they don't call me the HEX queen for a reason! " Ginny said while snapping her fingers. I couldn't help but giggle. " Thanks Ginny, your always there for me! " I said smiling at her. " So what are you going to wear today? " Ginny asked Smirking. " uh this one will be ok " I said picking up the clothes I want. " ok then, I'll leave and we'll see who our new friends are later! " she said hopping stairs.

Hermione's Outfit⬇️

As I got down to see who my new " friends " are and where I'll be staying, all the guys were eyeing me again

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As I got down to see who my new " friends " are and where I'll be staying, all the guys were eyeing me again. I walked pass them and saw the sheet of paper. I scanned it to try to find my name and finally found it. Here's what it says:

15th Group-
Hermione Granger
Ginny Wealsey
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Seventh Floor
Room 181

" Oh My God " was all I can say.

Draco's POV

I was walking down the stairs when Blaise came running for me. " Guess what, Draco!!!!! " Blaise said grabbing my sleeves. " what? " I said shrugging. " I said GUESS, Draco!!!! " Zabini said playfully  punching my arm. " um.... Weaselette finally kissed  you?" I said smirking. " I wish but we are going to be roomies!! " Blaise said smiling at me. " we actually got place in the same dorms, must be my lucky day once again! " I thought smirking to myself

Love Comes In Many Form [ Dramione, Blinny ]Where stories live. Discover now