Worst Last Day

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Hermione's POV

Professor Mcgonagall had dismiss us to our dorms and that's when I noticed a lot of guys staring at me. They were eyeing my everything and their mouth hanging out slightly, even Ron was staring. I just shook my head at how dumb they all look and gave them a Malfoy smirk which made their mouth drop. Every guy was winking at me and I just waved at them.

I got in the common room and settled myself on to the couch and talked to Ginny, when someone was standing in front of me. " uh.... Hi Hermione... " the person said. " Oh hi Ron. " I said not hesitating like he did. " So how are you? " Ron asked with his hand behind his neck. " I been great actually, Ginny and I had made a friend and their lovely! " I said wanting to make Ron jealous. " oh that's...... Great...... " Ron said with anger. " And WHO are the new friends? " Ron said while his hands are in a fist. " Oh it's mal-Draco and Blaise. " I said proudly. The next thing I felt was pain in my left cheek. " RONALD, WHAT ON EARTH HAS GOTTEN IN TO YOU??? " I said holding my cheek. " You're a slut that why. " Ron said as Lavender came up to him and wrap her arms around Ron's arm. " Your the one who cheated on me with that whore!!! " I said as everyone looked at Ron. " Shut Up You...... Mudblood!!! " Ron yelled back. I stepped back a little looking hurt and ran out of the common room crying. As I ran, I accidentally bumped into someone. " Hermione, you ok? " the person said. " D-Draco..? " I said weakly.

Draco's POV

As I held her in my chest, she cried harder and harder. " Don't worry Hermione, I got you... " I said rubbing her back. Eventually, she stopped and was soundly asleep in my arms. I started playing with her hair, looping it around my finger. " Draco " Hermione muttered moving a little. I looked at her and saw her sleeping in my arms like a little baby. I lifted her up and took her to her dormitory. Blaise had told me the password to Gryffindor's dorm and I got in there easily. Luckily there was no one there in the common room beside Ginny. " Oh my god, what happen to Hermione? " Ginny said eyeing me. " Woah, chill Weaselette, I found her crying so I comfort her a little before she fell to sleep. I could have just let her there but we're friends so I got her safe and sound. " I said looking down at Hermione. " well thank you, Malfoy. " Weaselette said taking Hermione out of my arms. " Wow, my arms feels bear now " I thought looking at Ginny carrying Hermione to her room. " We have to talk later " I thought aloud.

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