The Truth Behind Ferret

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Ginny's POV

I must of slept for at least 2 hours when I heard a female voice squealing at the door. " STOP squealing Hermione!!! You might wake up, Ginny. " A male voice said sternly. " sorry but I think YOU might wake her up because of your yelling. " Hermione said. " Don't worry you two, I'm already awake because of your alarming voice! " I said laughing. " why were you squealing anyways? " I said confused. " Uh nothing! " Hermione said teasing me. " Tell Me!!! " I shrieked. " ok....ok!!! I was squealing because when me and Draco was coming in, we saw you and Blaise cuddling on the couch! It was so adorable! " Hermione said clapping her hands. " Was I really that drunk? " I asked which made Hermione and Draco gawk at me. " Drunk?? " they said in union death staring at Blaise . " me and Luna might have took a few shots of fire whiskey, that Harry got for the squad. " I said laughing nervously. " So you two didn't hook up? " Draco said pointing at me then Blaise. " Yes, we didn't shag each other... " Blaise said looking at me. " well go back to sleep, it's 1:48 AM and we have class in the morning. Night. " Hermione said hugging me and then Blaise and lastly kissed Draco. " well night beautiful. " Blaise said to me and gave me a kiss on the lip. " night Handsome. " I said going to my room.

Draco's POV

I woke up early and got ready since I really want to go to charms. I stayed at the couch looking at the fireplace for an hour until I heard someone coming down the stairs. " Draco? Why are you up so early? " Hermione said standing there looking like this⬇️

 " Draco? Why are you up so early? " Hermione said standing there looking like this⬇️

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" Draco! Stop staring and start answering! " Hermione said blushing. " I'm waiting for charms to arrive faster. " I said still staring at her body. " but it in 2 hours plus breakfast. " Hermione said sitting next to me. " stand up. " I said watching Hermione stand up. I then pulled her down into my lap. " Ferret! " Hermione shouted in surprised. " Shh... You might wake up the other fools. " I said kissing her lips to make her shut up. " I have to go change. " Hermione said wrapping her arms around my neck. " well I'm not letting you. " I said then smirking at her. " Is that so? " Hermione said smirking back at me. " Oh geez, I love her brave side. " I thought. Hermione then leaned in and I closed my eyes waiting for our lips to touch but she only ghostly touch it and jumped out of my grip. " your so easy to trick! " Hermione said running up stairs to her room. I sat there dumbstruck about what just happen. " What the..... " I mumbled.

The next hours was boring because Blaise and Ginny had to get ready while me and Hermione sat at the fireplace talking about random things. " Have you had a pet before? " I asked. " yeah, my cat, Crookshanks. " Hermione said giggling. " What about you? " she said elbowing me. " No, parents never allowed me to own a dog or a cat.... " I said playing with my hands. " I'm sorry, Draco. If you did get a pet what would it be? " Hermione said lifting my chin up. " Something soft and cuddly, something small and beautiful, like you. " I said looking deep in Hermione's eye. " I am not your pet!! " Hermione declared, grunting. " what! You can't be my pet, oh but you sure can be the teacher's!!! " I shout eyeing her fakely. " your such a ferret. " Hermione said standing up. " come on, let's get to charms. " she said holding my hand as we walked to charms.

Hermione's POV

" hello professor! " I greeted the professor. " And to you too, Miss Granger. " professor Flitwick said grinning. " OK, class today as you may know, we will be learning the patronus charm. The words you need to know to be able to cast the charm is 'Expecto Patronum'. Got it class? " Flitwick said waving his wand and a silver light in a form of a blue jay. The blue jay fluttered around our heads then it disappeared. " and you may begin. " Flitwick said leaving the front of the classroom to help other students. I had sit next Draco because he wanted the other guys to know that I'm his. " Expecto Patronum! " I said as a silver light came out of my wand and took form of a otter. The otter swirled around Draco and sat on his shoulder. " it's cute " Draco said watching the otter disappear. " ok your turn. " I said pointing at his wand. " sure. " Draco said as he said 'Expecto Patronum' and a silver dragon appeared. It circled around me and stopped at my face and blowed a heart shape smoke in my face and disappear. " that was romantic, ferret. " I said hugging him. " why is your patronus a otter? I thought if would be like a.... Lion or an eagle, you know a gryffindor animal. And why do you still call me ferret? " Draco asked as he did his patronus again. " well I guess my wand followed my heart and choose a otter for me because it my favorite animal and I call you ferret because it reminds me of an otter, they are related and are in the weasel family. " I said clarifying things. " oh great! " Draco said sarcastically. " I love otter but not as much as I love this ferret! " I said poking his cheeks. " That makes sense. " the ferret said leaning in and giving me a peck on the cheek.

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