The Quitditch Game

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Ginny's POV

" Today is our first Quidditch game, you know? " I said smirking at Blaise. " yeah I know and we're going to beat Gryffindors this year. I mean it September now so we might as well defeat you guys! Blaise said kissing me on the forehead. " good luck! You guys need it. Ever since Harry came back, he's been practicing nonstop same goes to Draco. I can't believe Hermione got them to be friends! " I said walking to the great hall for lunch. " I'm still too impressed with her! " Blaise said leading me to our table area. " Hey Blaise! " Draco said sitting next to Hermione. " sup Drakey-poo! " Blaise said teasing Malfoy. " Drakey-poo? " Malfoy said eyeing Blaise. " I'm teasing Malfoy! " Blaise said sitting next to me. " so who is seeker in Slytherin? " I asked as I began to eat. " Me of course, the most handsomest guy in this school! " Draco said smirking. " oh Boy... " I said smacking my palm at my forehead. " I'm kidding but I am the seeker. And I suppose Harry is seeker on gryffindor? " Draco said pointing his fork at me. " the one and only! " I said eating again.

At  The Quitditch Game

Draco's POV

" Why is it RAINING!! " I said looking at the sky. " every damn game it always rains or it really cloudy! " Hermione said leaving me to go to the seats. " No good luck kiss? " I asked hugging her. " No... " Hermione said leaving me than ranning back to me with a kiss on the lips. " Good Luck, Ferret. " Hermione said kissing me on the cheek than leaving me. " come on Draco! The game is about to start! " Blaise said ranning out the field. " coming! " I said grabbing my broom. As I ran out to the field every girl started cheering no matter what house their in. " Show off. " Blaise said getting on his broom. The Quaffle has been released and the game has started.

I been looking around around for the snitch just like Harry but unfortunately for Harry, I found it before Harry with Hermione help. I chased it around the field, when Harry finally realized I was chasing something and followed. " So Harry, you finally see the snitch! " I yelled as I was inches away from the snitch. " yeah, I was too busy looking at your girlfriend's clothe! " Harry said with a smirk.
Hermione's outfit⬇️

 " YOU!! " I said grabbing the snitch in my hand

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" YOU!! " I said grabbing the snitch in my hand. " SLYTHERIN WON!! " Mcgonagall shouted as everyone cheered. I came back down on the ground dripping wet and looking back at Hermione and smirking at her. " Thanks for the luck... " I whispered as I winked at her making the crowd cheer louder.[ Picture Above ]. I then heard people handing money to Snape. " Snape was betting on Hermione and me? " I thought looking at Snape, SMIRKING at ME.

Hermione's POV

" He is so Handsome! " Ginny said elbowing me. " Yeah he is. " I said looking at Draco staring at Snape. " Was Snape and the other professors betting on me and Draco?! " I asked looking at Ginny. " Many seems broke now so yeah! " Ginny said smirking at my red face. " let's get out of this rain, I'm dripping wet and don't look good, only you and Hunky Ferret look good! " Ginny said running to meet Harry and Draco in the lockers. " Good Game, Harry! " Draco said shaking Harry's hand. " Good Game, Draco! " Harry said shaking hands with Draco. " You enjoyed the game, babe? " Draco said grabbing me by the waist. " No, it was boring, I only enjoy the last part. " I said winking at him. " I know you do. " Draco said kissing my cheek and forehead. " Ferret! My lips are down here! " I said grabbing his chin so we kiss on the lips. " I know, I was teasing. " Draco said letting me go. " GET A ROOM!!!! " Harry, Blaise and Ginny shouted as they watched the whole thing. " Sure come on. " Draco said leaving the group grabbing Harry. " What?! " Harry said blushing. " What? I had always love your glasses and scar... " Draco said touching his face and cupping his chin. " You have Hermione! Aren't you already happy! " Harry said turning red. " I'm gay for you, Potter... " Draco said making Harry run away to... I guess go get pansy. " what was that for? " Ginny said eyeing Draco. " Pay back for always beating me in quidditch. And to make him ran to Pansy. " Draco said wrapping his arm around my shoulders. " You told him to go to pansy? " I said looking up at Draco. " Yeah, whisper it to him, I know he likes her because I can see hearts in his amazing eyes when he looks at pansy, same goes to pansy. " Draco explaining to the group. " Blaise, you did amazing too, so brave and strong for the team! " Ginny said hugging Blaise. " Thanks Red! " Blaise said kissing gin on the lips. " YOU get a ROOM! " me and Draco said to the couple in front of them.

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