1. Warm Welcome

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"Come on bro, we're going to be late!"
"Mabel, I'm right here." She turned around and smiled brightly. The bus honked signaling for us to get on.
"Let's go." We walked on the bus. She sat with her friends and I sat in the back. Alone. I pulled my earbuds in my ears and started out the window. After a few moments the bus stopped again. I moved my eyes over to the bus door. A boy with dirty blonde hair swiftly placed over one eye walked onto the bus, a group of boys following behind him. They walked to the back of the bus. Where I was. The boy with dirty blonde hair grabbed my collar and picked me up, knocking my earbuds out of my ears.
"Hey. Freshman. Don't sit in my seat." I nodded and he dropped me to the ground. I walked to the middle of the bus and found Mabel. I sat in a seat across from her. I replayed what had happened over and over in my head. 'What a warm welcome' I thought.

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