5. Found

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I had been walking for about an hour, I was now near the coffee shop. I looked in every alley, but one. I looked in the last one. I found Pinetree he was against a wall, blacked out and covered in bruises.
"Pinetree!" I ran to him and checked for a pulse. I found one, thankfully. I picked him up bridal style. I speed walked to the hospital. I walked through the automatic doors and walked faster to the desk.
"Hi sir, how may I help you?" The lady asked.
"I found my friend here in an alleyway. I did find a pulse though." She nodded and walked over to a phone. She can back, a smile on her face.
"Follow me please." I nodded and followed her. She lead me to a room. I set Pinetree on the bed and took a seat. After a few minutes, a doctor came in.
"Hello, I'm am Dr.Woodall."
"I'm Bill, this is Dipper." I motioned over to Pinetree.
"Bill, do you mind waiting in the waiting room?" I shook my head and walked into the waiting room.
Thirty minutes later...
"Is there a Bill in here?" A nurse called. I walked over to her and smiled.
"I'm Bill, is Dipper ok?" She kept a straight face and lead me to Pinetree's room.
"Dr.Woodall will be in here shortly." I nodded and thanked her. I took a seat in a chair and waited. Not a minute later the doctor came back.
"Hello Bill." She smiled at me and grabbed a clipboard.
"Hi Mrs." She read over the paper an the clipboard.
"Ok, I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
"Er...can we call his sister?" She nodded and waited for me to finish. I walked over to Pinetree and pulled out his phone.
(Bill normal, Mabel in italics)
Bro are you ok?!
Mabel its Bill. Get to the hospital and I'll meet you in the waiting room.
Ok thanks Bill.
I brought Mabel into the room where Pinetree was.
"Ok good news or bad news?" I asked Mabel.
"Good news." We turned to the doctor and she smiled.
"Dipper will wake up soon." Mabel smiled and hugged me lightly. "Bad news." Mabel pulled away. "Dipper, was raped."

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