9. The Call

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I heard my phone going off, so I kissed Bill cheek and told him I'd be right back. I checked the caller ID and saw it was my mom.
"Hey mom!"
"Is this Mason Pines?" A male voice I didn't recognize came through.
"Yes, who are you?"
"I'm doctor Red, I'm afraid I have some bad news..."
"What is is?" I felt Bill rap his arms around my waist.
"Your parents are dead."
"What?! How?!"
"A car crash, they just died last night, I'm terribly sorry, we've already contacted your sister and uncles. Since the only family you have left are you uncles, we've already arranged for you to move to Gravity Falls. Your bus leaves Saturday. Once again I'm sorry. Goodbye Mr. Pines." I hung up the phone and friend around to Bill.
"Baby what happened?"
"My parents are dead and I have to move to Gravity Falls."

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