6. Truth or Dare

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"What?!" I screamed.
"Mabel calm down." Bill put his hand on my back.
"I'll leave you alone." The doctor walked out of the room closing the door behind her. I walked over to Dipper and grabbed his hand lightly.
"Mabel you ok?"
"I just, want my bro back."
"Can I call you ShootingStar?"
"Your shirt." I looked down at my shirt with a shooting star on it. I smiled and looked at Bill.
"Mabes?" I looked back at Dipper and saw his eyes open.
"Bro!" I hugged him lightly.
"Mabel, I'm so sorry." I pulled away from him and smiled.
"Bro. It's not your fault."
"Pinetree, what happened?"
"I was walking to the café, but was stopped by a junior. That's all I remember." Bill nodded and walked to the other side of Dipper.
"The doctor told me you could go home today if you woke up." I smiled at Bill and hugged Dipper.

Time skip, to where there at Dipper and Mabel's house...


"Hey Bill."
"You wanna stay the night, it's pretty late." He nodded and smiled. "Mabel's at a friends house, and my parents are out of town. So it'll just be us."
"You wanna watch a movie?" I nodded and Bill walked over to his backpack. He pulled out a disk and put it in the tv.
"What movie did you put in?"
"You'll see."  He smirked and sat down on the couch next to me. About twenty minutes into the movie, I realized it was a horror movie. A jump scare appeared on scream and I jumped on to Bill. He looked down at me and chuckled. He helped me up and pulled me closer to him.
"You ok Pinetree?"
"Yeah, just not a fan of horror movies." He laughed and stood up.
"I have a comedy and an anime series."
"I'll take anime over movies any day!"
"Alright, anime it is then. It's called please teacher." He took out the horror movie and put in the anime.

Time skip

"MONO!" I yelled at the tv.
"Pinetree calm down, it's just an anime."

Time skip. Sorry, I had to I love that anime and that was my reaction to it.

"Hey Bill, wanna play truth or dare?"
"Is that even a question?!" I laughed at Bill.
"Ok, calm down. Ok, truth or dare?"
"Prank call my sister." He laughed and grabbed him phone.
"Hi, is this Mabel?" He paused waiting for a response. "Yeah, it's Bill. I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" I held my breath keeping back a laugh. "Mabel. Calm down. It just a prank bro." He hung up and we burst out in laughter.
"What did she say?"
"She was like 'oh my god Bill shut up! You should die, I already have a boyfriend!'" We laughed for a while again. "Ok Pinetree, truth or dare."
"What's your sexuality?"
"I'm bi." He smiled and nodded. "What about you?"
"Same as you."

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