4. Cipher

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"Cipher, you ok? Did your date stand you up?"
"I don't know." I looked at my sister who was working.
"You should get to school." I nodded. "See you later tonight for your shift." I smiled and waved as I walked out the door. I was walking down the sidewalk, my hands in my pockets. I heard someone yell, but I brushed it off as my imagination.

Skip to lunch...

I felt someone hit me in the back of the head. I turned and saw Will and someone who looked a lot like Pinetree
"Where's Dipper?!"
"I don't know, he never showed up at the café!" The girl next to Will spoke up.
"My brother, said he was going to the café! Now where is he! I know your a player and a jerk!" She slapped me pretty hard.
"Easy, I seriously don't know. I'll skip my last three periods and look for him."
"Bill you don't have to do that."
"Will, calm down. I'll be fine. Just get me my work at the end of the day." He nodded and I got up. "I'll see you guys later." The girl smiled and hugged me tight. I stiffened. She pulled away.
"Sorry. Good luck Cipher." I smiled and walked away. 'This is going to take awhile..' I thought to myself.

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