8. Not Ready

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"Nothing shooting star."
"Ok then..." Mabel left the room where I was left alone. I touched my lips gently, I never expected him to actually kiss me. Moments later Dipper came back in.
"Hey Bill. My sister left, she was getting us back for the prank we played on her." I nodded and walked over to Dipper.
"Now, let's continue and not get interrupted." He smiled at me as in says yes. I grabbed his by the front of his shirt and kissed him passionately. He rapped his arms around my neck while I slowly slid my hands down to his waist. I pulled him closer to me.
*cough cough* warning *cough cough*
I broke the kiss, we both needed air. I slid his shirt off and started kissing his collie bone. After a while, he let out a moan loud enough for me to hear. I bit the spot over and over, until the taste of blood came into my mouth. I stood straight and took off my shirt. I kissed Dipper, he fought for dominance but I won. As I started kissing down his chest and down to his v-line he spoke.
"Bill. I'm not ready..."
"Its ok. I'll wait." I pecked his check and smiled.


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