3. Coffee

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"I'm Bill by the way."
"Nice to meet you Bill. I'm guessing Will already told you my name."
"Yep. Pinetree, would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow."
"Yeah, it's my nickname for you." I smiled. "So wanna meet at the new Cafe in town tomorrow."
"S-Sure." He smiled at me.
"What's your combination?"
"You need help with your locker right?" I nodded and blushed lightly.
"It's 83-67-62." Bill nodded and opened my locker with ease.
"These old lockers are tricky." I nodded.
"Thanks Bill."
"No problem Pinetree, see you tomorrow." I smiled as he walked off.

The next day...

I woke up to my alarm clock. I hit the off button and sat up. I took a shower and got ready. I left a note on Mabel's door and went outside. I started walking towards the cafe. After walking for about five minutes, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around expecting it to be Bill, but sadly was not. It was a guy, he looked like a junior.
"Hey kid, were you off to?"
"None of your business." I started walking a little faster, but was stopped when he grabbed my wrist.
"You think I'm just gonna let you go?" I started to get scared, wanting someone to help.

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