Chapter 3

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Blair's POV

Soon enough the taxi pulled up to the drop off at the hospital. Ricky got out, and helped me out, while Chris stayed behind me in case I fell. Once, we all got out of the car my dizziness got worse and my head started to spin. I guess I was rocking back and forth because Ricky quickly and gently picked me up.

Chris checked me in because he knew the whole story. Ricky carried me to the seats in the waiting room. He lightly set me down on a chair and sat next to me. He kept supporting me with his arm wrapped around my shoulders until I was called back into the actual hospital. He picked me up again and carried me back.

"Could you set her on the scale, please?" I heard a nurse ask.

He set me down and let go just long enough to get a reading on the scale. I looked down and saw that I weighed 107 pounds.

"Her medical files says she's 23, is that right?" I heard the nurse ask worriedly.

This time, Chris picked me up, while Ricky told her I was 5'2". She probably was thinking I was underweight. However, my BMI says I'm normal, and I do exercise a lot considering I train horses.

Most of the visit was a blur, but I know they took x-rays of my ribs. On the way back to the bus I slept a little bit, and only woke up when they got me out of the car and Ricky picked me up.

Ricky's POV

I carried Blair back into the bus and laid her on her back in my bunk. The doctor had said she cracked two ribs and fractured one. As far as the coughing up blood incident they think she had a nose bleed and some blood went backward instead of out of her nose. She just coughed it up as her body's way of getting rid of it.

She had hair her long jet black hair in her face, so I lightly moved it out of the way. I didn't realize I was staring at her until Chris came in with an ice pack.

"Is she still asleep?"

"Yeah, the doctor gave her some strong pain killers. I don't think she will be up for a while. What time is it?"

"It's 6:00 right now, so if she doesn't wake up by 8:30 we will wake her up. That way she can get some rest, but go home with her friend," Chris answered me.

"Guys, we're back!" I heard Ghost yell.

Chris and I walked out of the bunk room to quiet the guys. They all sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, but Chris turned it back off.

"Hey!" Ryan shouted like a little kid.

"Be quiet! We have a guest on the bus sleeping. We just got back from the hospital because Knucklehead over there almost squashed a girl to death," I whispered yelled.

"How old is she, and is she pretty?" Vinny asked.

"She is not to be touched or bothered. She has two cracked ribs and one fractured rib," Chris hissed at Vinny.

"Damn, you really fucked her up. How exactly did that happen?" Ghost asked.

"I was jogging over to the buses and crashed into her. She landed on extra tent poles, and I partially landed on her," Chris replied to him, with guilt evident in his voice.

"I'm going to go check on her, and see if she's still asleep," I told Chris and Vinny followed me.

When we go to my bunk she had rolled onto her side, and I could see the pain was about to wake her up. I carefully rolled her onto her back and moved the hair out of her eyes. Vinny leaned closer to get a better look at her.

"Seriously, though, how old is she? And is she a fan of the band?" he asked.

"She's 22, and she hasn't even heard of our band," I replied sounding a bit grumpy.

"Okay, she's your's dude. Just calm down," Vinny joked.

Blair's POV

I felt pain on my side, and someone moved me onto my back. I heard a few voices, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I was still three-quarters asleep, but eventually, I fully woke up and opened my eyes. I saw blue eyes peering back into mine. That frightened me a bit, and I tried to move. I failed miserably and groaned as I realized it was just Ricky.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I just came to check on you. Do you need anything?", Ricky asked me with concern lacing his voice.

"Could you help me out of this bunk please?" I asked.

I expected him to reach out a hand, but he picked me up and carried me into the front of the bus. I recognized Chris immediately, but there were four other people. Ricky gently set me on my feet, and he stayed next to me with an arm helping to hold me up. I was glad he stayed next to me because I had no idea who the other guys were. Don't you love social anxiety?

"Ricky, I'm going to get my phone to see if my friend needs anything," I whispered to him and he nodded.

I saw my bag across the room and grabbed my phone. Hopefully, no one realized I was in the room. I picked up my phone and saw a few texts from Lauren.

12:17 Lauren: I just met Palaye Royale!!! They are so sweet!!

3:47 Lauren: MIW just passed me and I got their autograph, but Chris and Ricky weren't there. :(

6:02 Lauren: Could you meet me at Waterpark's set at 7:30? I think you'll like their music.

I checked the time and it was 6:21. I looked around the bus, and no one noticed me. Well, except for Ricky who was making sure I didn't fall over. I quickly replied a 'Sure. See you there.' to Lauren.

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