Chapter 44

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Ricky's POV

It's just past noon, and we still have a few hours before we need to get ready for tonight's show. I've been wrapping Blair's Birthday presents on the seats in the front of the bus. Tomorrow I'll see Blair again. For each city we've been in so far, I've gotten her something small that reminded me of her. I wrapped each item in wrapping paper before putting each one into a small backpack that reminded me of the one she had the first time I saw her at warped tour. Just as I was about to put the backpack in a gift bag, my phone started ringing.


"Hey, Ricky. Are you free to talk?" I smiled, hearing Blair's voice.

"Yeah, I was actually just wrapping one of your birthday presents."

"I wanted to figure out where we should meet tomorrow. My flight gets in at 12:30, and I can take a taxi to the venue. What time do you guys arrive at the venue?"

"We'll be there by the time you get here," I said, "Don't forget to let me know when your flight lands, so I know you're safe."

"Do you not like airplanes or something?"

"I just want to make sure you get in safe," I insisted and moved to a slightly different topic, "By the way, we haven't discussed what you're bringing."

"Am I supposed to bring something special?" she feigned innocence, "Did you mean extra baggy sweatpants for dinner or something?"

"You understand me so well," I played along.

"I guess I can just dump out this harness and bra. Maybe I should repack and just put comfy clothes in. Trash Boat sweatpants are coming."

"Get rid of that sexy stuff and just pack over-sized merch from various bands."

"So what you're saying is raid Lauren's closet?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I smiled.

Blair's POV

Ricky and I talked for a while before he had to go. I stared at my suitcase trying to figure out if I should repack it for the hundredth time when Lauren came into my room.


"A little bit," I replied, unzipping my suitcase.

"Do you want a second opinion?"

I sighed and zipped my suitcase back up, "No, I know what I packed is fine. I'm just anxious. The past couple of days he's been acting a bit weird."

"What do you mean?"

"Each time I bring up meeting him, he just starts acting strange. And he keeps insisting that I text him as soon as the plane lands, so he knows I'm safe, but he's not one to worry about planes crashing."

"Maybe he's just as anxious as you are. I'm sure everything will go smoothly tomorrow. Do you wanna have a movie night to keep your brain occupied?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll make popcorn, and you find a movie," I said, getting out of my room for the first time today.

"Blair!" Lauren yelled.


"Where did you put the non-Batman movies?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to put them back," I laughed.

I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet that has our baking pans in it and pulled out the rest of the movies.

"That's a good spot," Lauren laughed.

"Yeah, I do all the baking and cooking," I laughed.

Author's Note

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm not feeling too well this week. I feel that this chapter still served its purpose even though it's short. Also, Polyphia is an awesome band! Check them out if you liked this song!

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