Chapter 6

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Blair's POV

At about 8:45 Chris and Ricky walked me to the parking lot that Lauren's car is in. I had Lauren give me her keys earlier so I would be able to get into the car. I pressed the unlock button, and Chris put the merch bag in the backseat of the car.

"I can't thank you guys enough for helping me," I said whilst smiling up at them.

Ricky gave me a hug and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him. After he let go Chris came in for a hug, too.

"If you guys are ever in Pennsylvania look me up because I owe you one," I said.

They both laughed, "We live in Scranton, Pennsylvania," Ricky and Chris said at the same time causing me to smile.

"I live just 35 minutes out of Scranton," I told them.

"We will definitely stop by to see how you're doing after Warped Tour," Chris said and started to leave with Ricky.

"Wait, how will you be able to find me?", I asked confused.

Ricky turned around and smirked, "You'll see."

I just climbed into the passenger side of the car. I took out my phone and saw that Lauren texted me, that she was on her way to the car. I pulled the lever on the car seat, laid back, blasted the AC, and closed my eyes. A few moments of silence passed with the exception of the hum of the car before Lauren came in and slammed the door shut.

"Thank you for letting me have such a wonderful time today, but you really should have told me what happened. I would have had no problem missing the rest of Warped Tour," Lauren said truthfully.

"I know, but you have been looking forward to this day for a while. I would drive back home for you-", I was cut off by Lauren before I could finish my sentence.

"Blair, you have three cracked ribs. I don't expect you to do anything, but let your best friend help you," she smiled sweetly at me and put the car in drive, "I won't even make you say anything about what happened today with one of my favorite bands. Just be prepared to spill every detail about your encounter with MIW tomorrow."

We both laughed at her last couple of sentences, but I stopped quickly because it made my ribs hurt more than they already did. I remembered that I always keep Advil in my Batman backpack, so I picked it up and started digging through it. I grabbed my phone out of it and I saw two pieces of paper that I don't think were in there before. I picked them out of the bag along with my Advil. Once I swallowed the two pills I unfolded one of the pieces of paper.

I read the first paper that just had a telephone number on it signed CM at the bottom.

That must be Chris' number. I'll have to ask Lauren what his last name is before I try to contact him just in case.

I unfolded the next piece of paper that was folded a bit more neatly. It also had a telephone number on it.

'I had fun hanging out with you today. Call or text me sometime. Anytime works for me.


I held on to this paper a little bit more tightly.

Chris is a great guy, but I'm more comfortable around Ricky considering I spent more time with him. Plus Chris' height kind of scares me, but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Why am I even thinking about them that way? They're probably just being friendly, I shouldn't think too much of it. I'll just figure it out tomorrow.

Before I knew it Lauren had parked outside of our apartment that we shared. Our "apartment" is a three bedroom house.

"Blair, I'm going to bring our bags in, then I'm going to come back and help you inside. Don't move," she said firmly and gave me a glance letting me know that it was not up for discussion.

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