Chapter 50

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Blair's POV

Yesterday I got home and unpacked. Today Lauren's at a photoshoot, so I went to the barn early today. When I arrived, my client's horse was loose. I quickly got out of the car and saw my ranch hand trying to calm down Dasher on the lead line. Both horses are stallions, so it's not a great mix.

"Luke, get Dasher away from Frogger," I yelled, as Dasher nipped at Frogger.

"I'm trying," he called back.

I walked to Frogger and tried to grab his harness. Frogger reared, and Dasher pinned his ears back. I tried to keep a barrier between the horses so Luke could get Dasher away from Frogger.

"Blair, watch out!" Luke called.

Lauren's POV

I was on my way home from my photoshoot when I got a call.


"Is this Lauren?" a man asked on the other end.


"There was an accident and Blair's in the hospital."

"What happened?"

"She got kicked in the back of the head when a horse reared."

"Okay, I'm on my way," I said, making a u-turn.

I rushed to the hospital and checked in, but they wouldn't let me back to see her. Not long after, a doctor came into the waiting room.

"Blair's family," he called out.

I stood up, and he came over.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's stable, but she's hasn't woken up yet. You can go see her if you want."

"When will she wake up?"

"It's hard to tell with these kinds of injuries. Fortunately, it seems it wasn't as bad as it could have been," he said.

I followed him to Blair's room, where Luke was sitting next to her.

"It's all my fault," he said when I walked in, "The client's new horse got out when I had another stallion out, so they started fighting, and Blair tried to help, but Frogger reared and hit her in the back of the head."

Luke looked like he saw a ghost as he continued rambling, "She hit the ground face first and wasn't responding."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. You can't change the way stallions are. You should go home and get some rest."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can take care of her."

"When she wakes up, can you tell her I'm sorry?"

"Yeah," I said, and he left the room.

I looked at Blair, and the front of her was all dirty. I took a paper towel from the bathroom and cleaned off her face. I sat there for a while, trying to figure out what to tell Ricky. After a while, I decided to finally call him.

"Hey, Lauren," he answered.

"I got a bit of bad news."

"What happened?" his voice turned worried.

"Blair's in the hospital right now. There was an accident at the barn."

"Can I talk to her?" he asked immediately.

"No, uh, she got kicked in the back of the head. She hasn't woken up yet."

He was silent for a few moments.

"I need to come home now."

"No, I'm staying with her. You know she would want you to finish the tour."

"We head out in 10," I heard Chris yell from the other end.

"I can't just do nothing. She will wake up, right?" Ricky asked, ignoring him.

"Yeah, the doctor said it isn't as bad as it could have been. Are you guys busy?"

"We have an interview to do. I'm sure they don't need me to go."

"You should go, there's nothing you can do from so far away. I can't even do anything."

"I'm going to see what I can do about coming home. Let me know the moment she wakes up," he said.

"I will."

"I'll check up on her in a little bit."


I hung up and looked at Blair, worried. I decided to go home and pack some stuff up for staying at the hospital. When I got back, she was still asleep.

Ricky's POV

The interview turned into two, and I finally got back to the bus nearly two hours later. I checked my phone, hoping Lauren called while I was gone. I got off the bus and sat down at the bar in the venue to have a quiet place to talk to Lauren.

"Hey, Ricky," Lauren answered her phone.

"Hey, is she still asleep?"


"What happened today?"

Lauren caught me up on the situation.

"That kid should be fired," I thought aloud.

"Well, it won't change anything," Lauren replied.

"I know," I said, feeling like I can't do anything, "I need to come home."

"Ricky, there's nothing that we can do until she wakes up."

"But as soon as she wakes up, I want to be there."

"I know, but we don't know when that will be. I'll keep you updated, okay?"

"Okay, let me know the moment she wakes up."

We ended the call, and I didn't move for a while, trying to process the news.

"Is she okay?" Chris asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"No," I said.

"What happened?"

"Blair got kicked in the back of the head, and she hasn't woken up yet."

"Holy fuck. If you need to go, the guys will understand. If not, I'll make them," Chris smiled at me.

"Thanks, Chris."

Chris left, and I started looking at flights. Not even a minute into looking did Ghost come sit next to me.

"Hey, I just got a text from Lauren telling me what happened with Blair. You're gonna go take care of her, right?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry-"

"Now, I need you to make sure my cinnamon roll is okay. Promise me you'll take care of her," he said seriously.

"I'm looking at flights right now," I said.

"I also put together a little Motionless In White care package for her," he said, handing me two bags, "Plus one for Lauren who is always there for our little Satan."

I smiled at the nickname, "Thanks, Ghost. This will cheer her up."

"I'll let you get back to finding a flight, but keep me updated, okay? She's become one of my best friends, but whenever I ask her about something that's bothering her, she always waters it down. I'm counting on you and Lauren to let me know how she's actually doing."

I promised him, and he left. I decided to wait to leave when she wakes up. I shut my laptop and got ready for the show tonight.

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