Chapter 0: Post-post adventure

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One-thousand years ago in a world inhabited by man and Pokémon, there were two legendary Pokémon called Groudon and Kyogre. Kyogre was the 'Sea basin Pokémon', made from the compressed particles of water beneath the depths of the sea's, and Groudon was the 'Continent Pokémon', who was created from harden molten magma of the earth's crust. The two of these titans went around the world, covering the planet in land and sea everywhere they went, with the both of them wanting to cover up as much of the world in there respected habitat. However, a fierce rivalry was then ignited by the two tyrants, because of their differences wanting to create more land or water. The two of them soon ensured into a battle, that lasted for a long time, creating chaos of great lengths, placing man and other Pokémon in great danger, as well as harming mother nature itself.

As this was happening, a pokémon called Rayqauza, who lived in the ozone layer up above, saw this ferocious, chaotic, fight of the two, and instantly came flying down from the heavens to stop them. After a long tiresome battle, Rayqauza used it's powers to put the clash to an end, and Kyogre and Groudon parted ways, to live away from each other and from human eyes, with Kyogre going back to the depths of the sea, and Groudon going off deep into a large volcano, the two of them were never seen since, as for Rayquaza, it descended back up towards the skies, disappearing into the clouds above, removing itself from the sight of others as well, for it was also never seen again. The people and Pokémon were thankful of Rayquaza, saving them and their world from utter destruction, so in return for the magnificent legendary, they built a tower dubbed the 'Sky pillar', that broke though the barrier of clouds and up into the heavens to where Rayquaza was, for one day if there was any chaos to come up again, the people and pokémon would call for it, and it will come down to them to save them once more.

Everything was peaceful again, the world kept revolving and evolving as time went on, people and pokémon were becoming more closer to each other than ever before, the world was ever becoming more and more peaceful, nothing can ever break out again to stop it...

That was...until recently...another incident had occurred...

In the region of Hoenn, a lush like tropical land, two groups called Team Magma and Aqua were at war with each other over the amount of what nature had, with Team Aqua wanting to expand the sea's, and Team Magma wanting to increase land mass, both had completely different goals to the other. With much work, Team Magma and Aqua had acquired the forsaken 'Blue orb', and 'Red orb', two powerful objects that controlled Kyogre and Groudon, and used them to acquire them for world domination. However, because of their recklessness, they didn't realise that Kyogre and Groudon would exceed the expectations of power to what they would've wanted, and as a result, instead of following commands and expanding the land mass and sea, Kyogre and Groudon ended up nearly putting the whole of Hoenn in danger, with floods of water rising high, and lava spewing everywhere in sight, and even the weather conditions started to go haywire, with wild storms crashing down with rain, and a tense boiling heat wave with heavy drought. Kyogre and Groudon started to fight once more, causing mass panic and destruction everywhere they went, they then soon ended up in Sootopolis city, where they clashed for a long time to see once and for all who the true victor was gonna be, there was almost no hope...until a fellow young trainer came out of the blue, and settled both the them down thanks to him and his Pokémon's brave actions of subduing the duo by battle. He fought long and hard with the two legendaries, even bringing in the help of Rayquaza, who once again saw the destruction and flew down from the ozone layer to help the trainer take on the two tyrants.

Finally, after awhile, the two stopped fighting once more, and they went back to their natural environments, and along with Rayquaza, the three of them disappeared once again from human sight, never to be seen again. As for the young trainer that bravely saved Hoenn from destruction, he too also vanished from human eyes, know one knows what happened to him, but all of that remained of what he left behind, was a single white looking hat, laying upon the floor in-front of the 'Cave of origin', he was looked up to as the greatest hero of Hoenn, and became a legend since...Everything was for a little while peaceful, until a short time later, another danger was in arise again, with this time,involving a meteoroid heading towards Hoenn...

After the full on calamity of before, no one ever saw this catastrophe coming, as the fast approaching meteorite was gonna soon collide with the region, and destroy all the life around it, including man and Pokémon. The end was in sight, doom was gonna befall the world, until a mysterious person came forth and summoned Rayquaza again from the top of 'Sky pillar', form which something truly astounding had happened, the person had brought up a peculiar round gem on her anklet, which she touched to activate something never seen before, a bright radiating glow filled the area along with Rayquaza, and in a flash of light, Rayquaza started to change from it's state, it's green emerald body grew longer and started growing little orange orbs along it's body, it's head became a little bigger, with two pointed lower horns protruding from it's mouth, growing orange like streamers from the sides, it's upper smaller horns became more bigger as well, with orange streamers coming out from the tips as well, It's eyes had changed to contain yellow pupils and red irises, and black, tree-like markings that trail behind them, and the most striking change on Rayquaza, was a huge Δ symbol appearing on its forehead, forming a 'Delta' like sign. The mysterious person then ordered Rayquaza help the world once more, and told it to destroy the metorite vast aproching, and as soon as the person commanded Rayquaza to do so, it flew straight up into the air with speeds unseen before, it reached heights that of before Rayquaza could never achieve, reaching high pass the ozone layer and into the outer reaches of space itself, and as it went higher and higher, people below on earth can see a bright shining green streak trailing from behind Rayquaza as it flew on.

And so finally, when Rayquaza reached it's point with the metorite, it charged through, and smashed it into smithereens, with amazing power that was unseen of Rayquaza before! It bursted through with a bright, green flash of immense light,and obliterated the space rock into nothingness, which in turn, Rayquaza was alright, not a single scratch on it's body was seen, it was almost as if it hadn't been affected by the impact of the meteorite at all! Rayquaza was unbelievably powerful,for it had just changed into an almighty form that exceeded beyond it's previous one, and all of the people and Pokémon from down below knew it, the message was clear from far and wide around the world...

This...was the first ever miracle witnessing of...'Mega evolution'.

It was unbelievable, amazing and marvellous, the legendary had broken new bounds that before, it couldn't even reach to,but now, it had changed into an almighty being even more powerful than the time it had prevented the fight between Kyogre and Groudon... and because of this, Rayquaza had become recognised as the most strongest 'Mega evolved' legendary Pokémon in history, and that was a true statement. Rayquaza then turned back into it's normal form, retaining it's looks as it was before, and went back into the ozone layer of earth, disappearing from human sight once for the mysterious human, she as well disappeared to an unknown location,leaving a note behind saying that she was going on a journey, but the note didn't say where she was going, so no knew where she went, but rumours say that she is still out there, somewhere, out in the world.

Everything was once again peaceful, and some time went on, going pass by two years, and yet, people and Pokémon are still living together in great harmony. The future was looking as bright as ever for everybody, and not one thing stands in it's way to damper it's light.

Until now however, a greater issue is about to occur... and it'll only be the begining of a tremendous danger...

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