Chapter 5:Deal or deal? (The forced up the (CENSORED) business to take!)

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I stood still for a moment, not moving a muscle, trying to act like I was just apart of the carpet, being all silent without a single word popping out of my mouth, and just for the extra added detail to become more like the carpet, I laid down my head on the ground to make it look like it didn't even have a face there to begin with. However, I guess it wasn't so much of a illusion to fool them, cause after a minute or so, one of them poked me with some sort of red cane at my head multiple times, obviously pointing out at the fact they could see me...the Magma leader, Maxie then spoke up with his usaul "High pitch dull uncle" like voice, (And why do you ask that I describe his voice like that, simple, it's because ever since the ANIME came out, people had been waiting to hear what the leader's voice's would be like,they waited nearly A WHOLE TWO PAINFUL SEASONS just to finally get to the ACTAUL comfrontation, to see Rayquaza going against Kyogre and Groudon, Team against team, a multi battle of the ages, a glorified finale to the RUBY AND SAPPHIRE series! was a complete,irritating,useless ,worthless, weird, and mostly worthless,flop. Everbody's patience and hype level went falling down, the battle didn't have Rayquaza ONCE,even when Kyogre and Groudon were forcefully battling each other, there was no EPIC clash with the two teams,even when everybody thought team ROCKET was gonna show up (and I don't mean just the trio), instead, there was just standing around and stares, THATS THAT...and Arceus, the voice's chosen for the two leader's,were TERRIBLE, admittedly not Archie's, but DAMMMMMM, Maxie's voice was so,so,so,so,so,so,so,so awful!, it sounded like he was from the olden era of the 1900's, it was just...ugggggggggg.. NO ONE LIKED THAT DAM VOICE!, and after all this time waiting around for the "Greatest clash", it ended up as being the "WORST EVER GRAND FINAL EPISODES EVER!" It could be only my opinion, but i was waiting for god dam so long for this thing to come up, all it gave to me was disappointment, I still wish in some sense it would be so much better than it was before, but to ended up becoming one of the worst episodes i would ever see, in my time of watching the anime ... except the part when Ash's Pikachu became fused with the 'Blue orb' and turned into a raging powerful red lined Pokémon, especially when it went hopped on to Groudon's head and started controlling him like he was rampaging Godzilla... )

wait a minute...OH GOD! I got myself waaaayyy off track there!,Im sorry, I didn't mean to do that at all!.. (why do I always do this?!)... anyways, I should return to my story, and stop doing my "Epic rant talk" on these's your thoughts from there on what I just said... I should just keep on going with the whole thing right now...

*Ahem, now as I was saying, Maxie loomed over me with his red cane and spoke up to break the the short lived silence, " Hello, we don't mean to disturb your hiding tactics...but do you mind trying to stand up and SPEAK to us at this moment?", as much as I felt like standing up to them, I couldn't... cause ONE, I was clearly warped in chains and other ridiculous stuff, TWO, since I'm laying down FLAT on the ground WITH the chains, I can barely even get up cause of that, THREE, I was just THROWN onto the floor,FOUR, if there wasn't any GRAVITY, I would stand up perfectly, only THERES TONS OF IT GOING STRAIGHT DOWN...and FIVE, it's clearly obvious that I'm doing this just for your own entertainment, and if I just simply stood up on my feet right now, it would not only be a disappointment for you... but also for me, it would be quiet a missed opportunity to become like the carpet for once. Because I always wondered what being a carpet would be like...probably always being stepped on by people you would hate...for me, being Bakka, other stupid adults, and probably now Archie and Maxie... I could already feel their heavy feet on me just by thinking of it...

Or for this matter, I could feel one of the commanding GRUNT'S feet on me... Because he stamped his foot down hard onto my spine, yelling at me with an angered tone... "GET UP AND STAND BEFORE THE LEADERS!", I turned my head around in disbelief towards his angry face, it was obvious he wasn't even thinking of what was presented RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM... "Kind sir, I WOULD lift myself up onto my feet, if you didn't have to STAND ON ME, WRAPPED ME AROUND IN THESE CHAINS, THROW ME ONTO THE FLOOR, AND LET GRAVITY DO ITS WORK BY PULLING ME DOWN!" I responded with honesty, the grunt was about to explode at me with fury,but before he even did, Archie put his hand up to cut him off, "I wouldn't want to go ahead and do that here if ether you..." he slowly said, with his eyes piercing right through the grunt with a menacing tone, the grunt hesitated for a bit, looking down upon me in a envious glare, but then Archie stood up from his chair and pounded his fist on the table, which completely taken the grunt off guard, he even became fearful of it too...(and I don't really blame him that much to be honest, I know what it's like to be in a state of fear, I can have anxieties on stuff like this...but as well as that, when Archie slammed his fist onto the table, he ended up breaking a bit of it off by creating a little hole in the centre of where his hand was.) He responded with a raging, threatening tone towards the grunt, "Are you gonna bugger off or what?!, cause if you don't, your gonna get a load of-..." He was stopped by Maxie before he could say anything else, "Archie, there's no need for it now here ether...he'll go off of her and lift her up into position,he'll also cool off his attitude now, and he'll ESPECIALLY promise not to command the others to THROW our guest's onto the floor I correct?" Maxie gave off an uneasy,intimidating stare at the grunt, prompting him to quietly step off of me, and slowly carry me up from the ground, placing me onto a chair in front of the desk, before the leaders themselves. Maxie then pressed a button which was located on the left side of the table where he was, and quickly before I could even move a muscle, a bunch a bars of some sort came out of the metallic chair going around my body, trapping me into an even more tedious ridiculous system that already was keeping me in place before.I was tightly restrained to my chair, I couldn't move a single inch, and I was facing straight into the direction of Archie and Maxie, they were quiet different from the last a thousand times since I've seen them from hiding behind bushes,trees, from inside their sub bases, crates,boxes, cactuses (yes I hid behind cactuses as well, that really hurt a lot...don't hide behind cactuses like I did...), hiding among their Pokémon, and even seeing them in the flesh and blood...disguised mind you... I didn't see them with my true features up until now.

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